Dept. of Electronics and Computer Science, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, Spain
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Virtual LiDAR Simulation as a High Performance Computing Challenge: Toward HPC HELIOS plus00.342022
IHP: a dynamic heterogeneous parallel scheme for iterative or time-step methods—image denoising as case study00.342021
Lbma And Imar(2): Weighted Lottery Based Migration Strategies For Numa Multiprocessing Servers00.342021
Landing sites detection using LiDAR data on manycore systems.00.342017
A simulated annealing algorithm for zoning in planning using parallel computing.20.372016
Modeling the performance of parallel applications using model selection techniques.20.462014
Multiobjective optimization technique based on monitoring information to increase the performance of thread migration on multicores00.342014
3DyRM: a dynamic roofline model including memory latency information30.412014
Using sampled information: is it enough for the sparse matrix-vector product locality optimization?00.342014
A hardware counter-based toolkit for the analysis of memory accesses in SMPs10.432014
Sparse matrix-vector multiplication on the Single-Chip Cloud Computer many-core processor80.592013
A flexible and dynamic page migration infrastructure based on hardware counters10.352013
High performance genetic algorithm for land use planning.150.782013
Experiences with the Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on a Many-core Processor10.372012
Optimization of sparse matrix-vector multiplication using reordering techniques on GPUs220.962012
Hardware Counters Based Analysis of Memory Accesses in SMPs10.412012
Using accurate AIC-based performance models to improve the scheduling of parallel applications20.392011
A Java-based parallel genetic algorithm for the land use planning problem00.342011
On the Influence of Thread Allocation for Irregular Codes in NUMA Systems10.352009
Software Tools for Performance Modeling of Parallel Programs40.482007
An Inspector/Executor Based Strategy to Efficiently Parallelize N-Body Simulation Programs on Shared Memory Systems00.342007
Image segmentation based on merging of sub-optimal segmentations201.452006
Parallel Algorithm for Nonlinearly Unconstrained Optimization Based in Parametric Trees00.342005
Runtime characterisation of irregular accesses applied to parallelisation of irregular reductions30.422005
A New Technique to Reduce False Sharing in Parallel Irregular Codes Based on Distance Functions20.432005
Improving the locality of the sparse matrix-vector product on shared memory multiprocessors201.322004
High performance air pollution modeling for a power plant environment161.222003
A Gis-Embedded System To Support Land Consolidation Plans In Galicia50.642003
Efficient Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies for Parallel Active Set Optimization Methods00.342003
Increasing the Parallelism of Irregular Loops with Dependences00.342003
Automatic generation of optimized parallel codes for N-body simulations30.522003
Improving Locality in the Parallelization of Doacross Loops (Research Note)00.342002
Analytical Description of Locality for the Product of a Sparse Matrix by a Dense Matrix10.412002
Performance of Parallel Iterative Solvers: a Library, a Prediction Model, and a Visualization Tool10.432002
Exploiting locality in the run-time parallelization of irregular loops100.622002
A Performance Visualization Tool for HPF and MPI Iterative Solvers30.482002
Parallelization of the STEM-II Air Quality Model20.422001
Run-Time Characterization of Irregular Accesses Applied to Parallelization of Irregular Reductions20.412001
COPA: a GIS-based tool for land consolidation projects20.442001
The Envelope of a Digital Curve Based on Dominant Points20.422000
Study of data locality for iterative methods.00.341999
Modeling and Improving Locality for Irregular Problems: Sparse Matrix-Vector Product on Cache Memories as a Cache Study41.951999
Left-looking strategy for the sparse modified Cholesky factorization on NUMA multiprocessors.00.341999
Scheduling of Algorithms Based on Elimination Trees on NUMA Systems00.341999
Modelling an Asynchronous Parallel Modified Cholesky Factorization for Sparse Matrices00.341997
Principal Component Analysis on Vector Computers60.951996
Vectorization of the Radix r Self-Sorting FFT10.351994
Adapting PICL and ParaGraph Tools to Transputer-Based Multicomputers00.341994
Combining static and dynamic scheduling on distributed-memory multiprocessors110.851994
An Efficient Processor Allocation for Nested Parallel Loops on Distributed Memory Hypercubes00.341993