Zhejiang Gongshang Univ, Coll Informat & Comp Engn, Hangzhou 310018, Peoples R China
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A CP-ABE scheme based on multi-authority in hybrid clouds for mobile devices00.342021
Privacy-Enhanced Data Collection Based on Deep Learning for Internet of Vehicles60.442020
MTES: An Intelligent Trust Evaluation Scheme in Sensor-Cloud-Enabled Industrial Internet of Things.40.402020
A Unified Trustworthy Environment Establishment based on Edge Computing in Industrial IoT30.392020
Edge-based differential privacy computing for sensor-cloud systems.50.392020
A novel trust mechanism based on Fog Computing in Sensor–Cloud System140.552020
When Sensor-Cloud Meets Mobile Edge Computing.20.542019
To Reduce Delay, Energy Consumption and Collision through Optimization Duty-Cycle and Size of Forwarding Node Set in WSNs10.352019
Pipeline slot based fast rerouting scheme for delay optimization in duty cycle based M2M communications.70.432019
A Game-Based Economic Model for Price Decision Making in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems10.352019
Reducing Delay and Maximizing Lifetime for Wireless Sensor Networks With Dynamic Traffic Patterns.30.362019
A low redundancy data collection scheme to maximize lifetime using matrix completion technique.10.352019
UAVs joint vehicles as data mules for fast codes dissemination for edge networking in Smart City.40.412019
Crowdsourcing Mechanism for Trust Evaluation in CPCS Based on Intelligent Mobile Edge Computing60.532019
A Miniature CCA Public Key Encryption Scheme Based on Non-abelian Factorization Problem in Finite Groups of Lie Type00.342019
Delay and energy-efficient data collection scheme-based matrix filling theory for dynamic traffic IoT00.342019
Coupling resource management based on fog computing in smart city systems.40.432019
An Efficient Information Maximization Based Adaptive Congestion Control Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network.00.342019
Differentiated Data Aggregation Routing Scheme for Energy Conserving and Delay Sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks.20.352018
Energy-efficient relay tracking with multiple mobile camera sensors.20.362018
Adaptive Aggregation Routing to Reduce Delay for Multi-Layer Wireless Sensor Networks.80.432018
Fog-based storage technology to fight with cyber threat.190.602018
Data Security and Privacy in Fog Computing.70.422018
CCA-secure ABE with outsourced decryption for fog computing.180.602018
LDSCD: A loss and DoS resistant secure code dissemination algorithm supporting multiple authorized tenants.50.462017
Chosen Ciphertext Secure Attribute-Based Encryption with Outsourced Decryption.30.392016
An adaptive aggregation scheduling algorithm based on the grid partition in large-scale wireless sensor networks00.342015
SecNRCC: a loss‐tolerant secure network reprogramming with confidentiality consideration for wireless sensor networks30.422015
Social role-based secure large data objects dissemination in mobile sensing environment00.342015
An Energy-Efficient Aggregation and Collection Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network.00.342015
The Optimal Partition Algorithm for Multiple Video Sequences in Streaming Media System.00.342014
A Topology Construct And Control Model With Small-World And Scale-Free Concepts For Heterogeneous Sensor Networks20.412014
Wireless Sensor Networks Energy Effectively Distributed Target Detection10.362014
The Degree-Constrained Adaptive Algorithm Based On The Data Aggregation Tree10.372014
Receiving-peer-driven multi-video-source scheduling algorithms in mobile P2P overlay networks40.422012
Identity-Based Conditional Proxy Re-Encryption120.552011
The Design and Challenges of Online Reprogramming System for Wireless Sensor Networks.10.362011
Unidirectional Identity-Based Proxy Re-Signature10.352011
The Design and Implementation of the Digital Down Converter Based on the Improved DDS and DSPBuilder Techniques.00.342011
An Efficient Architecture for Semi-real-Time Graphical Simulation Based on Mobile Computing Devices in Wireless WMS system10.372010
A Budget-Based Cost-Effective Incentive Model00.342009
An Exhaustive Resource Search Algorithm Based on Ping-Pang Mapping00.342008
Research on a Piecewise Linear Chaotic Map and Its Cryptographical Application00.342007