Beijing Univ Posts & Telecommun, Minist Educ, Key Lab Universal Wireless Commun, Beijing 100088, Peoples R China
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Joint Successive Cancellation List Decoding for the Double Polar Codes00.342022
Rethinking Doppler Effect for Accurate Velocity Estimation With Commodity WiFi Devices10.342022
Polar-Precoding: A Unitary Finite-Feedback Transmit Precoder for Polar-Coded MIMO Systems00.342021
A Dcnn System Based On An Iterative Method For Automatic Landmark Detection In Cephalometric X-Ray Images00.342021
Learning to Decode Protograph LDPC Codes00.342021
Progressive Rate-Filling: A Framework for Agile Construction of Multilevel Polar-Coded Modulation00.342021
Beam Selection for Cell-free Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems10.362021
ResNet-Like Belief-Propagation Decoding for Polar Codes00.342021
Speeding Up VM Startup by Cooperative VM Image Caching00.342021
Channel Tracking and Detection Based on Long-Short Term Memory in Millimeter Wave System00.342021
A novel angle of arrival (AOA) positioning algorithm aided by location reliability prior information00.342021
A Reinforcement Learning Based Decoding Method of Short Polar Codes00.342021
Multilevel Polar-Coded Modulation: Performance Analysis and Code Construction00.342021
Channel Prediction and PMI/RI Selection in MIMO-OFDM Systems Based on Deep Learning00.342021
Sphere Constraint Based Enumeration Methods to Analyze the Minimum Weight Distribution of Polar Codes00.342020
Learning to Decode Polar Codes With One-Bit Quantizer00.342020
Textual Dependency Embedding for Person Search by Language00.342020
New Results on Joint Channel and Impulsive Noise Estimation and Tracking in Underwater Acoustic OFDM Systems.10.392020
Construction of Systematic Polar Codes: BER Optimization Perspective00.342020
Approaching the Normal Approximation of the Finite Blocklength Capacity Within 0.025 dB by Short Polar Codes00.342020
Robust Dynamic Hand Gesture Interaction using LTE Terminals10.372020
Asynchronous Polar-Coded Modulation00.342020
Polar Codes for Fast Fading Channel: Design Based on Polar Spectrum00.342020
A contactless Morse code text input system using COTS wifi devices00.342019
The Delay-constraint Broadcast Combined with Resource Reservation Mechanism and Field Test in VANET00.342019
Efficient Successive Cancellation Stack Decoder for Polar Codes20.382019
A General Construction and Encoder Implementation of Polar Codes.10.372019
Learning To Decode Polar Codes With Quantized Llrs Passing00.342019
CRC-Aided Sphere Decoding for Short Polar Codes00.342019
Lattice reduction aided belief propagation for massive MIMO detection00.342019
Robust Beam Hardening Artifacts Reduction for Computed Tomography Using Spectrum Modeling.10.352019
Iterative Gaussian-Approximated Message Passing Receiver for MIMO-SCMA System40.382019
A contactless gesture interaction system using LTE (4G) signals10.352019
Partially Active Message Passing Receiver for MIMO-SCMA Systems.10.342018
A Fresnel Diffraction Model Based Human Respiration Detection System Using COTS Wi-Fi Devices.00.342018
An Ordered Successive Interference Cancellation Detector With Soft Detection Feedback in IDMA Transmission.10.362018
An Efficient SCMA Codebook Design Based on 1-D Searching Algorithm.00.342018
Universal Construction for Polar Coded Modulation.00.342018
Boosting fine-grained activity sensing by embracing wireless multipath effects70.432018
From Fresnel Diffraction Model to Fine-grained Human Respiration Sensing with Commodity Wi-Fi Devices.100.452018
Polar-Coded MIMO Systems.40.402018
Scaling Factor Aided Iterative Multiuser Receiver for Sparse Code Multiple Access.10.352017
Pattern Division Multiple Access—A Novel Nonorthogonal Multiple Access for Fifth-Generation Radio Networks241.062017
Improved Message Passing Algorithms for Sparse Code Multiple Access.30.372017
A Novel Two-Stage Compression Scheme Combining Polar Coding And Linear Prediction Coding For Fronthaul Links In Cloud-Ran00.342017
Sparsity-Inspired Sphere Decoding(Si-Sd): A Novel Blind Detection Algorithm For Uplink Grant-Free Sparse Code Multiple Access20.392017
Complexity Analysis of Massive MIMO Signal Detection Algorithms Based on Factor Graph.00.342017
A linear predictive coding based compression algorithm for fronthaul link in C-RAN.00.342017
A hybrid relay node selection strategy for VANET routing10.362017
Parallel concatenated systematic polar code based on soft successive cancellation list decoding10.392017
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