KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
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WDV: A Broad Data Verbalisation Dataset Built from Wikidata.00.342022
Data Quality Barriers for Transparency in Public Procurement00.342022
Using natural language generation to bootstrap missing Wikipedia articles: A human-centric perspective00.342022
Assessing the Quality of Sources in Wikidata Across Languages: A Hybrid Approach00.342021
An Analysis Of Pollution Citizen Science Projects From The Perspective Of Data Science And Open Science00.342021
Integrating and Analysing Public Procurement Data through a Knowledge Graph - A Demonstration in a Nutshell.00.342020
Pie Chart or Pizza - Identifying Chart Types and Their Virality on Twitter.00.342020
Editorial: Special Issue on Quality Assessment of Knowledge Graphs Dedicated to the Memory of Amrapali Zaveri00.342020
Understanding the Use of Narrative Patterns by Novice Data Storytellers.00.342020
Dataset Reuse: Toward Translating Principles To Practice00.342020
Enhancing Public Procurement in the European Union Through Constructing and Exploiting an Integrated Knowledge Graph.00.342020
Ranking Knowledge Graphs By Capturing Knowledge about Languages and Labels.10.392019
Beyond monetary incentives: experiments in paid microtask contests modelled as continuous-time markov chains.00.342019
Efficient, but Effective?: Volunteer Engagement in Short-term Virtual Citizen Science Projects00.342019
Collaborative Practices with Structured Data - Do Tools Support What Users Need?00.342019
Scholarly publishing on the blockchain – from smart papers to smart informetrics00.342019
Beyond Monetary Incentives: Experiments in Paid Microtask Contests00.342019
"A Game Without Competition Is Hardly a Game": The Impact of Competitions on Player Activity in a Human Computation Game".20.362018
Who Models the World?: Collaborative Ontology Creation and User Roles in Wikidata.00.342018
Using microtasks to crowdsource DBpedia entity classification: A study in workflow design.00.342018
Characterising Dataset Search Queries.10.352018
An extended study of content and crowdsourcing-related performance factors in named entity annotation.00.342018
Neural Wikipedian: Generating Textual Summaries from Knowledge Base Triples.60.542018
Smart Papers: Dynamic Publications on the Blockchain.00.342018
Loops of Humans and Bots in Wikidata.00.342018
T-REx: A Large Scale Alignment of Natural Language with Knowledge Base Triples.10.352018
Report on the DATA: SEARCH'18 workshop - Searching Data on the Web00.342018
Is Virtual Citizen Science A Game?00.342018
The Human Face of the Web of Data: A Cross-sectional Study of Labels.00.342018
HARE: An Engine for Enhancing Answer Completeness of SPARQL Queries via Crowdsourcing.00.342018
Towards Integrating Public Procurement Data into a Semantic Knowledge Graph.00.342018
Making Sense of Numerical Data - Semantic Labelling of Web Tables.10.342018
Web Science Challenges in Researching Bug Bounties.20.372017
Enhancing answer completeness of SPARQL queries via crowdsourcing.10.342017
An investigation of player motivations in Eyewire, a gamified citizen science project.90.532017
A Query Log Analysis of Dataset Search.30.442017
A Glimpse into Babel: An Analysis of Multilinguality in Wikidata00.342017
Social Incentives in Paid Collaborative Crowdsourcing20.362017
Towards Semantic Assessment of Summarizability in Self-service Business Intelligence.00.342017
Citizen Science: Design and Engagement (Dagstuhl Seminar 17272).00.342017
The Trials and Tribulations of Working with Structured Data: -a Study on Information Seeking Behaviour.110.562017
Redecentralizing the Web with Distributed Ledgers.20.432017
Crowdsourcing for Beyond Polarity Sentiment Analysis A Pure Emotion Lexicon.00.342017
The Role of Data Science in Web Science.10.482016
Using Semantics to Search Answers for Unanswered Questions in Q&A Forums.30.372016
Towards Knowledge-Driven Annotation00.342015
Improving Paid Microtasks through Gamification and Adaptive Furtherance Incentives230.802015
A-posteriori Provenance-enabled Linking of Publications and Datasets via Crowdsourcing.00.342015
HARE: A Hybrid SPARQL Engine to Enhance Query Answers via Crowdsourcing50.442015
Thematically Analysing Social Network Content During Disasters Through the Lens of the Disaster Management Lifecycle10.352015
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