Univ Bradford, Sch Comp Informat & Media, Bradford BD7 1DP, W Yorkshire, England
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Supervised Classification Of Bradykinesia In Parkinson'S Disease From Smartphone Videos00.342020
Learning to Self-Manage by Intelligent Monitoring, Prediction and Intervention.00.342019
Filling Factors of Sunspots in SODISM Images.00.342019
Security Perceptions in Cloud-Based e-Govemment Services:00.342019
Bionic Hand Control in Real-Time Based on Electromyography Signal Analysis.00.342018
A multimodal deep learning framework using local feature representations for face recognition.40.392018
A multi-biometric iris recognition system based on a deep learning approach70.422018
A fully automated cell segmentation and morphometric parameter system for quantifying corneal endothelial cell morphology.00.342018
Identification of Sunspots on SODISM Full-Disk Solar Images.00.342018
A multimodal biometrie system for personal identification based on deep learning approaches10.482017
Fuzzy Bionic Hand Control In Real-Time Based On Electromyography Signal Analysis10.362016
A fully automatic nerve segmentation and morphometric parameter quantification system for early diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy in corneal images.10.362016
Breast Cancer Detection Using 1d, 2d And 3d Fdtd Numerical Methods00.342015
A Robust Face Recognition System Based On Curvelet And Fractal Dimension Transforms20.362015
Channel Estimation For Ofdm Fft/Dwt In Multi-Carrier Modulation Used In Wireless Telemedicine10.382015
A Fast And Accurate Iris Localization Technique For Healthcare Security System20.372015
An Automatic Corneal Subbasal Nerve Registration System Using Fft And Phase Correlation Techniques For An Accurate Dpn Diagnosis20.382015
Medical image classification based on artificial intelligence approaches: A practical study on normal and abnormal confocal corneal images.00.342015
An efficient intelligent analysis system for confocal corneal endothelium images30.412015
Preparation of 2D sequences of corneal images for 3D model building.40.602014
An efficient system for preprocessing confocal corneal images for subsequent analysis20.382014
Detection of Dust Storms Using MODIS Reflective and Emissive Bands10.372013
Efficient Prediction of DNA-Binding Proteins Using Machine Learning00.342012
Users' Acceptance of Secure Biometrics Authentication System: Reliability and Validate of an Extended UTAUT Model50.442010
Towards An Understanding Of User Acceptance To Use Biometrics Authentication Systems In E-Commerce: Using An Extension Of The Technology Acceptance Model10.362010
Watermarking of colour images in the DCT domain using Y channel40.632009
2009 International Conference on CyberWorlds, Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK, 7-11 September 2009585.102009
Green Channel Watermarking to Overcome the Problem of Multiple Claims of Ownership for Digital Coloured Images20.372009
Next-Day Prediction of Sunspots Area and McIntosh Classifications Using Hidden Markov Models00.342009
The Effects of Gender Differences in the Acceptance of Biometrics Authentication Systems within Online Transaction20.402009
Calculate the Energy of Active Regions and Solar Disk on Satellite Images for Real-Time Solar Flare Forecasting00.342009
The Human Face Of E-Business: Engendering Consumer Initial Trust Through The Use Of Images Of Sales Personnel On E-Commerce Web Sites90.602008
Embracing e-Commerce: A Glimpse into the Future of on-Line Shopping in Saudi Arabia00.342007
Robust Self Embedding Watermarking Technique in the DWT Domain for Digital Colored Images10.372007
Are Media Cues Really a Key Driver towards Trust in Business to Consumer e-Commerce00.342007
A New Horizon Beckons for Saudi Arabia in the Technological Age of e-Commerce & on-Line Shopping00.342007
Using Image to Foster Business to Consumer Online Trust00.342007
Video indexing and retrieval in compressed domain using fuzzy-categorization00.342006
Hybrid Imaging and Neural Networks Techniques for Processing Solar Images00.342006
Detecting Edges in Noisy Face Database Images10.592003
Detection of Closed Regions in Digital Images60.862001