Grad Univ Adv Studies, Hayama, Japan
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Unweighted Bipartite Matching For Robust Vehicle Counting00.342021
Dictionary-guided Scene Text Recognition00.342021
A robust framework for mathematical formula detection00.342021
DF-FSOD: A Novel Approach for Few-shot Object Detection via Distinguished Features00.342021
Multilingual-GAN: A Multilingual GAN-based Approach for Handwritten Generation00.342021
Searching For Desired Person Doing Desired Action based on Visual and Audio Feature in Large Scale Video Database00.342020
Single-image crowd counting: a comparative survey on deep learning-based approaches00.342020
U15-Logos: Unconstrained Logo Dataset with Evaluation by Deep learning Methods00.342020
Interpolation based Anime Face Style Transfer00.342020
NII Hitachi UIT at TRECVID 2019.00.342019
Targeting Bufferbloat in Wi-Fi Networks: An Emulator-based Approach00.342019
A Software Defined Networking Approach for Guaranteeing Delay in Wi-Fi Networks00.342019
Video instance search via spatial fusion of visual words and object proposals00.342019
Measuring Crowd Collectiveness with Trajectory Smoothing00.342018
Video Search Based on Semantic Extraction and Locally Regional Object Proposal.10.352018
How to Choose Deep Face Models for Surveillance System?00.342018
Person re-identification with mutual re-ranking.00.342017
Efficient large-scale multi-class image classification by learning balanced trees.20.362017
Scalable Face Track Retrieval in Video Archives Using Bag-of-Faces Sparse Representation.30.362017
Persons-In-Places: A Deep Features Based Approach For Searching A Specific Person In A Specific Location00.342017
NII-HITACHI-UIT at TRECVID 2017.00.342017
Semantic Extraction and Object Proposal for Video Search.10.362017
News Archive Exploration Combining Face Detection and Tracking with Network Visual Analytics.00.342016
Human Action Recognition From Depth Videos Using Pool Of Multiple Projections With Greedy Selection00.342016
Efficient Large Scale Image Classification Via Prediction Score Decomposition00.342016
NII-HITACHI-UIT at TRECVID 2016.00.342016
Searching a specific person in a specific location using deep features.00.342016
When face-tracking meets social networks: a story of politics in news videos.10.352016
NII-UIT Browser: A Multimodal Video Search System.30.402015
Large scale multi-class classification using latent classifiers00.342015
Human Action recognition from depth videos using multi-projection based representation00.342015
Using Textual Semantic Similarity to Improve Clustering Quality of Web Video Search Results00.342015
Learning Balanced Trees For Large Scale Image Classification10.352015
Cross-View Action Recognition by Projection-Based Augmentation.00.342015
A Combination of Spatial Pyramid and Inverted Index for Large-Scale Image Retrieval10.362015
A Social Network Analysis of Face Tracking in News Video.10.372015
Generalized Max Pooling for Action Recognition00.342015
Transfer AdaBoost SVM for Link Prediction in Newly Signed Social Networks using Explicit and PNR Features.20.352015
AttRel: An Approach to Person Re-Identification by Exploiting Attribute Relationships.70.472015
Integrating Spatial Information into Inverted Index for Large-Scale Image Retrieval40.402014
Recommend-Me: recommending query regions for image search00.342014
Using Attribute Relationships for Person Re-Identification.10.372014
National Institute of Informatics, Japan at TRECVID 2014.00.342014
Multimedia Event Detection Using Segment-Based Approach for Motion Feature50.452014
NII-UIT: A Tool for Known Item Search by Sequential Pattern Filtering60.592014
Evaluation of low-level features for detecting violent scenes in videos00.342013
Re-ranking for person re-identification.40.402013
Violent scene detection using mid-level feature20.402013
NII-UIT-VBS: A Video Browsing Tool for Known Item Search.80.782013
Face Retrieval In Large-Scale News Video Datasets70.562013
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