Microsoft Research, China
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UniParser: A Unified Log Parser for Heterogeneous Log Data00.342022
RESIN: A Holistic Service for Dealing with Memory Leaks in Production Cloud Infrastructure00.342022
T-SMOTE: Temporal-oriented Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique for Imbalanced Time Series Classification00.342022
T-SMOTE: Temporal-oriented Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique for Imbalanced Time Series Classification.00.342022
An Intelligent Framework for Timely, Accurate, and Comprehensive Cloud Incident Detection.00.342022
Automatic Loss Function Search for Predict-Then-Optimize Problems with Strong Ranking Property00.342022
Spot Virtual Machine Eviction Prediction in Microsoft Cloud00.342022
NENYA: Cascade Reinforcement Learning for Cost-Aware Failure Mitigation at Microsoft 36500.342022
Multi-task Hierarchical Classification for Disk Failure Prediction in Online Service Systems00.342022
Solving the Batch Stochastic Bin Packing Problem in Cloud: A Chance-constrained Optimization Approach00.342022
Search-based Diverse Sampling from Real-world Software Product Lines00.342022
DeepTraLog: Trace-Log Combined Microservice Anomaly Detection through Graph-based Deep Learning00.342022
CARE: Infusing Causal Aware Thinking to Root Cause Analysis in Cloud System00.342021
A Runtime Analysis of Typical Decomposition Approaches in MOEA/D Framework for Many-objective Optimization Problems.00.342021
NTAM: Neighborhood-Temporal Attention Model for Disk Failure Prediction in Cloud Platforms00.342021
HALO: Hierarchy-aware Fault Localization for Cloud Systems00.342021
Correlation-Aware Heuristic Search For Intelligent Virtual Machine Provisioning In Cloud Systems00.342021
Effective low capacity status prediction for cloud systems00.342021
Onion: identifying incident-indicating logs for cloud systems10.352021
How Long Will it Take to Mitigate this Incident for Online Service Systems?00.342021
AutoCCAG: An Automated Approach to Constrained Covering Array Generation00.342021
Nuqclq: An Effective Local Search Algorithm For Maximum Quasi-Clique Problem00.342021
FastCA: An Effective and Efficient Tool for Combinatorial Covering Array Generation00.342021
Predictive Job Scheduling under Uncertain Constraints in Cloud Computing.00.342021
RLNF: Reinforcement Learning based Noise Filtering for Click-Through Rate Prediction10.362021
Intelligent container reallocation at Microsoft 36500.342021
LS-sampling: an effective local search based sampling approach for achieving high t-wise coverage00.342021
Fast Outage Analysis of Large-scale Production Clouds with Service Correlation Mining10.362021
Pulns: Positive-Unlabeled Learning With Effective Negative Sample Selector00.342021
How incidental are the incidents?: characterizing and prioritizing incidents for large-scale online service systems20.382020
Predictive And Adaptive Failure Mitigation To Avert Production Cloud Vm Interruptions00.342020
Towards intelligent incident management: why we need it and how we make it30.392020
Identifying linked incidents in large-scale online service systems00.342020
How to mitigate the incident? an effective troubleshooting guide recommendation technique for online service systems20.362020
Intelligent Virtual Machine Provisioning in Cloud Computing10.352020
Efficient incident identification from multi-dimensional issue reports via meta-heuristic search10.412020
Gandalf - An Intelligent, End-To-End Analytics Service for Safe Deployment in Large-Scale Cloud Infrastructure.00.342020
Efficient customer incident triage via linking with system incidents00.342020
Two-goal Local Search and Inference Rules for Minimum Dominating Set00.342020
Label Mapping Neural Networks with Response Consolidation for Class Incremental Learning.10.352019
Outage Prediction and Diagnosis for Cloud Service Systems40.442019
Local Search with Efficient Automatic Configuration for Minimum Vertex Cover.20.372019
Continuous Incident Triage for Large-Scale Online Service Systems.60.422019
An empirical investigation of incident triage for online service systems80.442019
Neural Feature Search: A Neural Architecture for Automated Feature Engineering10.352019
Towards more efficient meta-heuristic algorithms for combinatorial test generation.10.362019
AIOps: real-world challenges and research innovations00.342019
Robust log-based anomaly detection on unstable log data.200.732019
BigIN4: Instant, Interactive Insight Identification for Multi-Dimensional Big Data.20.362018
Predicting Node failure in cloud service systems.100.542018
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