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SEA-LEAP: Self-Adaptive and Locality-Aware Edge Analytics Placement00.342022
Autonomic decentralized elasticity based on a reinforcement learning controller for cloud applications.20.372019
Exploiting CPU Voltage Margins to Increase the Profit of Cloud Infrastructure Providers00.342019
Dynamic Model Evaluation to Accelerate Distributed Machine Learning00.342018
Anomaly Detection in Complex Real World Application Systems.10.372018
Shadow Puppets: Cloud-level Accurate AI Inference at the Speed and Economy of Edge.00.342018
An Energy-Efficient And Error-Resilient Server Ecosystem Exceeding Conservative Scaling Limits00.342018
Turn of the Carousel - What Does Edge Computing Change for Distributed Applications?10.412018
Connecting Fog and Cloud Computing.70.682017
Error-Resilient Server Ecosystems for Edge and Cloud Datacenters.00.342017
A systematic review and comparative analysis of cross-document coreference resolution methods and tools.100.742017
A Resource Provisioning Strategy for Elastic Analytical Workflows in the Cloud00.342016
Architecting Malleable MPI Applications for Priority-driven Adaptive Scheduling.40.412016
Evaluating the impact of fine-scale burstiness on cloud elasticity60.412015
Realizing Elastic Processes with ViePEP.40.472013
Efficient Node Bootstrapping for Decentralised Shared-Nothing Key-Value Stores.10.352013
Self-Adaptive Resource Allocation for Elastic Process Execution270.952013
Scalable Protein Sequence Similarity Search using Locality-Sensitive Hashing and MapReduce.00.342013
Double auction-inspired meta-scheduling of parallel applications on global grids130.682013
"The Tail Wags the Dog": A Study of Anomaly Detection in Commercial Application Performance10.362013
Big Data and Cross-Document Coreference Resolution: Current State and Future Opportunities.90.512013
Introducing the Vienna Platform for Elastic Processes.150.722013
Trade-Off analysis of elasticity approaches for cloud-based business applications60.502012
Cost of Virtual Machine Live Migration in Clouds: A Performance Evaluation2368.852011
Auto-scaling emergency call centres using cloud resources to handle disasters30.482011
Using reinforcement learning for controlling an elastic web application hosting platform200.852011
Autonomic metered pricing for a utility computing service323.692010
Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility1945100.082009
A Negotiation Mechanism for Advance Resource Reservations Using the Alternate Offers Protocol4713.512008
Market-Oriented Cloud Computing: Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering IT Services as Computing Utilities63859.342008
InterGrid: a case for internetworking islands of Grids552.722008
A Meta-scheduler with Auction Based Resource Allocation for Global Grids110.802008
Market-oriented Grids and Utility Computing: The State-of-the-art and Future Directions938.762008
A toolkit for modelling and simulating data Grids: an extension to GridSim853.082008
An SCP-based heuristic approach for scheduling distributed data-intensive applications on global grids240.922008
Aneka: Next-Generation Enterprise Grid Platform for e-Science and e-Business Applications5618.042007
A Dynamic Critical Path Algorithm for Scheduling Scientific Workflow Applications on Global Grids652.742007
Portfolio and investment risk analysis on global grids30.522007
Designing a resource broker for heterogeneous grids60.592007
Cluster and Grid Computing: A Graduate Distributed-Computing Course20.372007
Utility Computing and Global Grids40.622006
A taxonomy of Data Grids for distributed data sharing, management, and processing1705.692006
A Set Coverage-based Mapping Heuristic for Scheduling Distributed Data-Intensive Applications on Global Grids181.192006
A Grid Service Broker For Scheduling E-Science Applications On Global Data Grids816.612006
A Market-Oriented Grid Directory Service for Publication and Discovery of Grid Service Providers and their Services282.192006
Scheduling parameter sweep applications on global Grids: a deadline and budget constrained cost-time optimization algorithm743.082005
A portal for grid-enabled physics60.572005
An integration of global and enterprise grid computing: gridbus broker and xgrid perspective50.982005
The Grid Economy19819.082005
A deadline and budget constrained scheduling algorithm for escience applications on data grids221.462005
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