Search Limit
Conditional Value-At-Risk: Structure and complexity of equilibria10.412020
Balanced caterpillars of maximum degree 3 and with hairs of arbitrary length are subgraphs of their optimal hypercube.00.342018
NP NP -Hardness of Equilibria in Case of Risk-Averse Players.00.342018
The complexity of pure equilibria in mix-weighted congestion games on parallel links00.342015
Preface To The Self-Portrayals Of The Gi Junior Fellows00.342014
Computing Nash Equilibria for Two-Player Restricted Network Congestion Games is -Complete.00.342012
Minimizing expectation plus variance20.422012
Exact Price of Anarchy for Polynomial Congestion Games512.012011
Routing (un-) splittable flow in games with player-specific affine latency functions210.832011
Fair cost-sharing methods for scheduling jobs on parallel machines110.582009
From State-of-the-Art Static Fleet Assignment to Flexible Stochastic Planning of the Future30.432009
Graph partitioning and disturbed diffusion200.682009
A new diffusion-based multilevel algorithm for computing graph partitions210.782009
A new diffusion-based multilevel algorithm for computing graph partitions of very high quality211.062008
Algorithmic Game Theory, First International Symposium, SAGT 2008, Paderborn, Germany, April 30-May 2, 2008. Proceedings251.542008
On the Road to -Completeness: 8 Agents in a Singleton Congestion Game00.342008
The power of two prices: beyond cross-monotonicity30.412007
A faster combinatorial approximation algorithm for scheduling unrelated parallel machines150.822007
Weighted Boolean formula games130.732007
Routing and scheduling with incomplete information00.342007
Congestion games with player-specific constants341.452007
Accelerating shape optimizing load balancing for parallel fem simulations by algebraic multigrid130.622006
Wardrop equilibria and price of stability for bottleneck games with splittable traffic60.552006
Edge-disjoint spanning trees for the generalized butterfly networks and their applications40.412005
IPDPS 2005 Organization00.342005
Nash equilibria, the price of anarchy and the fully mixed nash equilibrium conjecture151.852005
Graph Partitioning with the Party Library: Helpful-Sets in Practice80.712004
Load Balancing in Dynamic Networks120.662004
Improved bounds on cutwidths of shuffle-exchange and de Bruijn graphs10.352004
SAT-Based Techniques in System Synthesis110.682003
Nashification and the coordination ratio for a selfish routing game654.102003
Fault Tolerances Analysis of Distributed Reconfigurable Systems Using SAT-Based Techniques40.532003
Selfish Routing in Non-cooperative Networks: A Survey.191.912003
On Spectral Bounds for the k-Partitioning of Graphs10.402003
Extreme Nash Equilibria172.342003
Which Is the Worst-Case Nash Equilibrium?252.492003
The Secret of Selective Game Tree Search, When Using Random-Error Evaluations20.432002
On the Problem of Scheduling Flows on Distributed Networks10.372002
Toward Optimal Diffusion Matrices70.592002
Scalable Sparse Topologies with Small Spectrum30.422001
A Distributed Algorithm to Evaluate Quantified Boolean Formulae663.112000
Quality matching and local improvement for multilevel graph-partitioning332.772000
Towards Optimal Load Balancing Topologies80.942000
Programme of the ACC9 Conference.00.341999
Efficient schemes for nearest neighbor load balancing984.791999
More Information on the 9th World Computer-Chess Championship.00.341999
The Latest Information on the 9th World Computer-Chess Championship.00.341999
Call for Papers Advances in Computer Chess 9 Conference.00.341999
Optimal and Alternating-Direction Load Balancing Schemes151.111999
Nearest Neighbor Load Balancing on Graphs30.531998
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