Univ Bordeaux 1, LAPS, GRAI, F-33405 Talence, France
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General Enterprise Performance Measurement Architecture00.342020
Distribution Planning For Multi-Echelon Networks Considering Multiple Sourcing And Lateral Transshipments00.342020
Risk management and Distributed Simulation in Papyrus tool for Decision Making in industrial context00.342019
Distinguishing Resource type in Bpmn Workflows at Simulation Phase00.342019
A State Of The Art And Comparison Of Approaches For Performance Measurement Systems Definition And Design00.342019
Distributed Simulation For A Modeling And Simulation Tool: Papyrus00.342019
Enterprise Modelling: From Early Languages To Models Transformation00.342018
Functional and Non-Functional BPMN M&S at Design Time00.342018
Organisational interoperability characterisation and evaluation using enterprise modelling and graph theory.00.342018
Model-based approaches for interoperability of next generation enterprise information systems: state of the art and future challenges90.622017
A method to select a successful interoperability solution through a simulation approach90.602016
Towards a sustainable interoperability in networked enterprise information systems: Trends of knowledge and model-driven technology.100.572016
SLMToolBox: enterprise service process modelling and simulation by coupling DEVS and services workflow.00.342016
A Methodology for Manufacturing Servitization Engineering.00.342015
Validation and Verification of Interoperability Requirements00.342015
Information Models and Transformation Principles Applied to Servitization of Manufacturing and Service Systems Design.00.342014
SLMToolBox: An Implementation of MDSEA for Servitisation and Enterprise Interoperability40.442014
Interoperability Improvement in Inter-Enterprises Collaboration: A Software Engineering Approach10.352014
Business process simulation: transformation of BPMN 2.0 to DEVS models (WIP)30.422014
A methodology for the evaluation of interoperability improvements in inter-enterprises collaboration based on causal performance measurement models60.462014
Transformation of extended actigram star to BPMN2.0 and simulation model in the frame of model driven service engineering architecture30.472013
The Impact of Temporal Aggregation on Demand Forecasting of ARMA(1, 1) Process: Theoretical Analysis.00.342013
Principles of Servitization and Definition of an Architecture for Model Driven Service System Engineering.50.422012
A contribution of system theory to sustainable enterprise interoperability science base160.862012
Modified savings heuristics and genetic algorithm for bi-objective vehicle routing problem with forced backhauls100.532012
A Methodology for Interoperability Evaluation in Supply Chains based on Causal Performance Measurement Models.00.342012
Reference Decision Models in the Medico-social Service Sector.00.342012
Towards a More Effective Interoperable Solution through an A-Priori Performance Measurement System.20.422011
Contribution to Interoperability of Executive Information Systems Focusing on Data Storage System.00.342010
Integration of Requirements for Performance Indicator System Definition and Implementation Methods00.342009
Contribution to Interoperability of Decision Support Systems Focusing on the Data Recovery Process10.402009
A Graph based approach for interoperability evaluation30.692007
Transforming GRAI Extended Actigrams into UML Activity Diagrams: a First Step to Model Driven Interoperability40.662007
Evolution management towards interoperable supply chains using performance measurement151.052007
Interoperability Characterization Using Enterprise Modeling and Graph Representation.00.342006
Interoperability and Synergism of Decision, Information and Flexibility to Improve Performances of Enterprise Systems: KM Implications.00.342006
Reference models for mass customisation production of high fashionable products: Application to the shoe manufacturing domain00.342006
Interoperability in enterprise modelling: requirements and roadmap271.652004
Production management: which future?00.341996
A Methodology to Evaluate the Best Industrial Practices in the Frame of the IMS Programme: GLOBEMAN 2100.341994