School of Engineering and Computer Science,Victoria University of Wellington,Wellington,New Zealand
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Population-based ensemble classifier induction for domain adaptation.10.362019
Improving performance of classification on incomplete data using feature selection and clustering.20.372018
An effective and efficient approach to classification with incomplete data.50.432018
Improving performance for classification with incomplete data using wrapper-based feature selection.40.402016
Directly Constructing Multiple Features for Classification with Missing Data using Genetic Programming with Interval Functions.20.382016
A Wrapper Feature Selection Approach to Classification with Missing Data.30.382016
Impact Of Imputation Of Missing Values On Genetic Programming Based Multiple Feature Construction For Classification40.412015
Multiple Imputation for Missing Data Using Genetic Programming50.562015
Query directed clustering.10.372013
Exploiting User Queries For Search Result Clustering30.402013
The role of teachers in implementing curriculum changes91.032013
Directional Context Helps: Guiding Semantic Relatedness Computation By Asymmetric Word Associations20.392013
Query Directed Web Page Clustering Using Suffix Tree and Wikipedia Links.00.342012
A Filter Approach to Multiple Feature Construction for Symbolic Learning Classifiers Using Genetic Programming541.592012
Genetic programming for improving image descriptors generated using the scale-invariant feature transform60.402012
Computer science in NZ high schools: the first year of the new standards131.282012
The introduction of computer science to NZ high schools: an analysis of student work100.812012
Phoneme Based Representation for Vietnamese Web Page Classification10.352011
A Dual Clustering Approach to the Extract Class Refactoring.10.352011
Visualizing the refactoring of classes via clustering00.342011
HOPPER: a hierarchical planning agent for unpredictable domains00.342009
Text Categorization for Vietnamese Documents20.432009
S.E.A.L.: a query language for entity-association queries00.342009
An analysis of the distribution of swapped subtree sizes in tree-based genetic programming00.342008
Genetic Programming for detecting rhythmic stress in spoken English50.542008
Genetic Programming for Feature Ranking in Classification Problems130.802008
An analysis of multi-sampled issue and no-replacement tournament selection40.432008
Empirical analysis of GP tree-fragments80.462007
QC4: a clustering evaluation method60.482007
An analysis of constructive crossover and selection pressure in genetic programming100.902007
Exploiting underrepresented query aspects for automatic query expansion120.692007
Genetic Programming for New Zealand CPI Inflation Prediction40.712007
Understanding Query Aspects with applications to Interactive Query Expansion20.432007
An analysis of depth of crossover points in tree-based Genetic Programming20.502007
Another investigation on tournament selection: modelling and visualisation80.572007
Query Directed Web Page Clustering100.572006
Genetic programming for automatic stress detection in spoken english70.532006
A Study Of Good Predecessor Programs For Reducing Fitness Evaluation Cost In Genetic Programming50.542006
Automatic Selection Pressure Control in Genetic Programming50.472006
Improving Web Clustering by Cluster Selection321.352005
Standardized Evaluation Method for Web Clustering Results140.842005
Automatic Pattern Construction For Web Information Extraction20.392004
Learning models for English speech recognition70.982004
Approximately Repetitive Structure Detection for Wrapper Induction40.512004
Detecting stress in spoken English using Decision Trees and Support Vector Machines100.692004
A Two Phase Genetic Programming Approach to Object Detection20.372004
Pixel statistics and false alarm area in genetic programming for object detection211.492003
Learning Information Extraction Patterns from Tabular Web Pages without Manual Labelling20.422003
A Domain-Independent Window Approach to Multiclass Object Detection Using Genetic Programming261.592003
Interpreting microarray expression data using text annotating the genes40.582002
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