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Automatic wireless mapping and tracking system for indoor location.00.342019
Combination of Multi-Agent Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks for the Monitoring of Cattle.60.572018
Listen To This: Music Recommendation Based On One-Class Support Vector Machine00.342018
Artificial neural networks used in optimization problems.140.652018
A multi-agent system for the classification of gender and age from images.80.692018
Twitter's Experts Recommendation System Based on User Content.00.342018
Agent-based tool to reduce the maintenance cost of energy distribution networks.00.342018
An Evaluation of a Metaheuristic Artificial Immune System for Household Energy Optimization.00.342018
Multi-agent System for the Recommendation of Electric Bicycle Routes.00.342018
Household Occupancy Detection Based on Electric Energy Consumption.00.342018
Prediction System for the Management of Bicycle Sharing Systems.00.342018
Introducing dynamism in emotional agent societies.30.392018
Dealing with Demand in Electric Grids with an Adaptive Consumption Management Platform.10.362018
Combination Of Multi-Agent Systems And Embedded Hardware For The Monitoring And Analysis Of Diuresis10.352017
Collision Detection System Using Mobile Devices and PANGEA.00.342017
Intelligent Transport System Through the Recognition of Elements in the Environment.00.342017
Non-intrusive System for Monitoring the Risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndorme.00.342017
Preliminary study for improving accuracy on Indoor positioning method using compass and walking detect.00.342017
Virtual organization with fusion knowledge in odor classification.20.372017
A Review of Multi-agent Based Energy Management Systems.50.602017
Multi-agent System for the Control and Monitoring of Shared Bicycle Fleets.00.342017
Multi-Sensor Information Fusion for Optimizing Electric Bicycle Routes Using a Swarm Intelligence Algorithm.50.662017
Combining Multi-Agent Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Crop Irrigation.110.642017
Indoor Children Location System Using BLE Technology.00.342017
Use of context-aware Social Computing to improve energy efficiency in public buildings00.342016
Multi Agent Application for Chronic Patients: Monitoring and Detection of Remote Anomalous Situations.00.342016
Preliminary Study of Classifier Fusion Based Indoor Positioning Method.00.342016
Hybrid system to analyze user's behaviour00.342016
Intelligent Control of Energy Distribution Networks.00.342016
Intelligent system for lighting control in smart cities.130.612016
New Architecture for Electric Bikes Control Based on Smartphones and Wireless Sensors.00.342016
Unified Fingerprinting/Ranging Localization for e-Healthcare Systems10.352015
Self-Organizing architecture for information fusion in distributed sensor networks140.712015
“1-N” Leader-Follower Formation Control of Multiple Agents Based on Bearing-Only Observation00.342015
Resampling methods for particle filtering: identical distribution, a new method, and comparable study80.612015
Multi-Agent Information Fusion System to manage data from a WSN in a residential home.241.082015
Unified Fingerprinting/Ranging Localization In Harsh Environments40.462015
EKG Intelligent Mobile System for Home Users.20.382014
Wireless Sensor Networks to Monitoring Elderly People in Rural Areas.00.342014
Multiagent Application in Mobile Environments to Data Collection in Park Zones.00.342014
Context-Aware Module for Social Computing Environments.00.342014
Open multi-agent architecture for information fusion.10.352014
Indoor Location System for Security Guards in Subway Stations.10.352014
Practical Applications of Virtual Organizations and Agent Technology.20.382013
Personalization Of The Workplace Through A Proximity Detection System Using User Profiles10.362013
Distribution of Roles in Virtual Organization of Agents.00.342013
Applying Classifiers in Indoor Location System.60.872013
Real time positioning system using different sensors.00.342013
Agent Technology and Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Patients in Residences and Their Homes.30.402013
A Gateway Protocol Based on FIPA-ACL for the New Agent Platform PANGEA.30.402013
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