Fraunhofer IOSB, Ettlingen, Germany
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Continuous Self-Localization on Aerial Images Using Visual and Lidar Sensors.00.342022
DecaWave Ultra-Wideband Warm-Up Error Correction00.342021
A Photogrammetry-Based Framework To Facilitate Image-Based Modeling And Automatic Camera Tracking00.342021
MissFormer: (In-)Attention-Based Handling of Missing Observations for Trajectory Filtering and Prediction00.342021
Analysis of Explainers of Black Box Deep Neural Networks for Computer Vision: A Survey10.392021
Self-Calibration for the Time Difference of Arrival Positioning.00.342020
Learning and Tracking the 3D Body Shape of Freely Moving Infants from RGB-D sequences20.372020
Introducing Probabilistic Bezier Curves For N-Step Sequence Prediction00.342020
Evaluating the Impact of Color Information in Deep Neural Networks.00.342019
3D Object Trajectory Reconstruction using Stereo Matching and Instance Flow based Multiple Object Tracking10.372019
Decawave UWB Clock Drift Correction and Power Self-Calibration.10.352019
Fusion of time of arrival and time difference of arrival for ultra-wideband indoor localization.00.342019
Unique 4-DOF Relative Pose Estimation with Six Distances for UWB/V-SLAM-Based Devices.00.342019
Impact of Fused Visible-Infrared Video Streams on Visual Tracking.00.342019
Investigation on Combining 3D Convolution of Image Data and Optical Flow to Generate Temporal Action Proposals.00.342019
3D Object Trajectory Reconstruction using Instance-Aware Multibody Structure from Motion and Stereo Sequence Constraints00.342019
Multispectral Matching using Conditional Generative Appearance Modeling00.342018
State estimation for tracking in image space with a de- and re-coupled IMM filter.00.342018
Stereo 3D Object Trajectory Reconstruction.00.342018
Improved Time of Arrival Measurement Model for Non-Convex Optimization with Noisy Data00.342018
Learning an Infant Body Model from RGB-D Data for Accurate Full Body Motion Analysis.30.412018
An Evaluation of Trajectory Prediction Approaches and Notes on the TrajNet Benchmark.10.342018
Joint Detection and Online Multi-Object Tracking.10.342018
Body Pose Estimation In Depth Images For Infant Motion Analysis00.342017
Instance Flow Based Online Multiple Object Tracking20.352017
3D Trajectory Reconstruction of Dynamic Objects Using Planarity Constraints.00.342017
Supporting generative models of spatial behavior by user interaction.00.342017
Multilateration Of The Local Position Measurement10.482016
On The Benefit Of State Separation For Tracking In Image Space With An Interacting Multiple Model Filter10.362016
A Descriptor and Voting Scheme for Fast 3D Self-Localization in Man-Made Environments00.342016
Action Recognition in the Longwave Infrared and the Visible Spectrum Using Hough Forests00.342016
Online multi-person tracking using Integral Channel Features170.652016
Three dimensional ALD of TiO<inf>2</inf> for in-vivo biomedical sensor applications00.342015
Single Frame Based Video Geo-Localisation Using Structure Projection20.392015
Annotation driven MAP search space estimation for sliding-window based person detection00.342015
The Visual Object Tracking Vot2014 Challenge Results240.972015
Estimating Body Pose of Infants in Depth Images Using Random Ferns90.602015
An Evaluation of Background Subtraction Algorithms on Fused Infrared-Visible Video Streams00.342015
CMOS-compatible purely capacitive interfaces for high-density in-vivo recording from neural tissue20.502015
The Thermal Infrared Visual Object Tracking VOT-TIR2016 Challenge Results160.642015
Supporting Annotation of Anatomical Landmarks Using Automatic Scale Selection.00.342014
Automatic understanding of group behavior using fuzzy temporal logic20.422014
The Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results1583.532014
Automatic unconstrained online configuration of a master-slave camera system00.342013
Voting Strategies For Anatomical Landmark Localization Using The Implicit Shape Model00.342013
Recognition of Symmetry Structure by Use of Gestalt Algebra100.642013
Supporting fuzzy metric temporal logic based situation recognition by mean shift clustering40.402012
Automatic Behavior Understanding in Crisis Response Control Rooms.20.392012
Rule-based high-level situation recognition from incomplete tracking data40.482012
Generative 2D and 3D Human Pose Estimation with Vote Distributions.10.352012
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