Princeton Univ, Dept Elect Engn, Princeton, NJ 08542 USA
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The Mask Game with Multiple Populations10.352022
Simultaneous Information and Energy Transmission with Finite Constellations00.342021
Saddlepoint Approximations Of Cumulative Distribution Functions Of Sums Of Random Vectors00.342021
An Upper Bound on the Error Induced by Saddlepoint Approximations-Applications to Information Theory.00.342020
On the saddlepoint approximation of the dependence testing bound in memoryless channels00.342020
Information Theoretic Data Injection Attacks with Sparsity Constraints00.342020
Special Issue on Artificial-Intelligence-Powered Edge Computing for Internet of Things00.342020
Simultaneous Information and Energy Transmission in the Two-User Gaussian Interference Channel.10.352019
Embedding Covert Information On A Given Broadcast Code00.342019
Recovery of Missing Data in Correlated Smart Grid Datasets10.382019
On Ultra-Reliable And Low Latency Simultaneous Information And Energy Transmission Systems00.342019
Approximate Nash Region of the Gaussian Interference Channel with Noisy Output Feedback00.342018
Optimal Inputs for Some Classes of Degraded Wiretap Channels00.342018
Approximate Capacity Region of the Two-User Gaussian Interference Channel with Noisy Channel-Output Feedback.00.342018
When Does Output Feedback Enlarge the Capacity of the Interference Channel?00.342018
Stealth Attacks on the Smart Grid10.372018
Capacity approximation of continuous channels by discrete inputs10.362018
Distributed Interference and Energy-Aware Power Control for Ultra-Dense D2D Networks: A Mean Field Game.110.502017
Generalized Satisfaction Equilibrium For Service-Level Provisioning In Wireless Networks30.392017
Robust Recovery of Missing Data in Electricity Distribution Systems20.402017
Simultaneous information and energy transmission in Gaussian interference channels with feedback.00.342017
Fundamental limits of simultaneous energy and information transmission00.342016
Decentralized simultaneous energy and information transmission in multiple access channels10.382016
Maximum Distortion Attacks in Electricity Grids.60.432016
On The Duality Between State-Dependent Channels And Wiretap Channels00.342016
When Does Channel-Output Feedback Enlarge the Capacity Region of the Two-User Linear Deterministic Interference Channel?10.362016
Approximated Capacity of the Two-User Gaussian Interference Channel with Noisy Channel-Output Feedback.00.342016
Approximate capacity of the Gaussian interference channel with noisy channel-output feedback20.402016
Feedback Enhances Simultaneous Wireless Information and Energy Transmission in Multiple Access Channels20.382015
Noisy channel-output feedback capacity of the linear deterministic interference channel30.452015
Simultaneous energy and information transmission in Gaussian multiple access channels00.342015
Self-Organization in Decentralized Networks: A Trial and Error Learning Approach110.552014
Decentralized interference channels with noisy feedback possess Pareto optimal Nash equilibria10.352014
Symmetric decentralized interference channels with noisy feedback40.462014
Equilibria in data injection attacks20.392014
A satisfaction game for heating, ventilation and air conditioning control of smart buildings.20.422013
On The Impact Of Network-State Knowledge On The Feasibility Of Secrecy10.392013
Perfect Output Feedback in the Two-User Decentralized Interference Channel.80.602013
On the Resilience of Wireless Multiuser Networks to Passive and Active Eavesdroppers271.032013
Self-Organization in Small Cell Networks: A Reinforcement Learning Approach.672.012013
Achieving Pareto optimal equilibria in energy efficient clustered ad hoc networks20.462013
On The Tradeoffs Between Network State Knowledge And Secrecy30.552013
Equilibria of Channel Selection Games in Parallel Multiple Access Channel20.392013
Power Allocation Strategies in Energy Harvesting Wireless Cooperative Networks2517.642013
Electrical Vehicles in the Smart Grid: A Mean Field Game Analysis.291.992012
On the decentralized management of scrambling codes in small cell networks10.362012
Small Cell Deployments: Recent Advances and Research Challenges20.392012
Physical layer security in wireless networks with passive and active eavesdroppers.120.572012
Distributed Power Allocation With Sinr Constraints Using Trial And Error Learning70.582012
Achievability of Efficient Satisfaction Equilibria in Self-Configuring Networks.30.452012
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