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Learning Resource Scheduling with High Priority Users using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients00.342022
Deep Reinforcement Model Selection for Communications Resource Allocation in On-Site Medical Care00.342022
CMDNet: Learning a Probabilistic Relaxation of Discrete Variables for Soft Detection With Low Complexity10.362021
Concrete MAP Detection: A Machine Learning Inspired Relaxation00.342020
Cloud-RAN Fronthaul Rate Reduction via IBM-based Quantization for Multicarrier Systems00.342020
Burst error analysis of scheduling algorithms for 5G NR URLLC periodic deterministic communication.00.342020
Compressed Edge Spectrum Sensing: Extensions and practical considerations.00.342019
Modeling the Active Neuron Separation in the Compressed Sensing and Finite Rate of Innovation Framework.00.342019
Towards Massive Connectivity Support for Scalable mMTC Communications in 5G networks.60.412018
FPGA-based Baseband Solution for High Performance Industrial Wireless Communication.10.412018
Compressed Edge Spectrum Sensing for Wideband Cognitive Radios00.342018
SparkDict: A fast dictionary learning algorithm.00.342017
Numerical Analysis For Joint Phy And Mac Perspective Of Compressive Sensing Multi-User Detection With Coded Random Access00.342017
Massive machine-type communications in 5g: physical and MAC-layer solutions.892.312016
Minimum measurement deterministic compressed sensing based on complex reed solomon decoding.00.342016
Rscs: Minimum Measurement Mmv Deterministic Compressed Sensing Based On Complex Reed Solomon Coding00.342015
Spectrum sharing for MTC devices in LTE20.502015
Hardware-In-the-Loop Measurements of the Multi-Carrier Compressed Sensing Multi-User Detection (MCSM) System.00.342015
Efficient Detector for Joint Compressed Sensing Detection and Channel Decoding120.582015
Compressive Sensing Multi-User Detection for Multicarrier Systems in Sporadic Machine Type Communication150.742015
Iterative Soft Interference Cancellation for Sparse BPSK Signals40.432015
Compressive sensing for MTC in new LTE uplink multi-user random access channel50.452015
A potential solution for MTC: Multi-Carrier Compressed Sensing Multi-User Detection10.352015
IRA Code Design for Iterative Detection and Decoding: A Setpoint-Based Approach00.342014
Reliable activity detection for massive machine to machine communication via multiple measurement vector compressed sensing20.402014
Characterization of coded random access with compressive sensing based multi-user detection70.592014
Compressed Sensing soft activity processing for sparse multi-user systems20.502013
Compressed Sensing Bayes Risk Minimization for Under-Determined Systems via Sphere Detection40.462013
Compressed sensing Bayes-risk detection for frame based multi-user systems.00.342013
Coping with CDMA Asynchronicity in Compressive Sensing Multi-User Detection152.182013
On the Impact of Low-Rank Interference on the Post-Equalizer SINR in LTE.10.372013
IRA code design for IDMA-based multi-pair bidirectional relaying systems20.422013
Sparsity-Aware Successive Interference Cancellation with Practical Constraints30.572013
Compressive sensing based multi-user detection for machine-to-machine communication.542.532013
Improving Greedy Compressive Sensing Based Multi-User Detection with Iterative Feedback80.612013
Exploiting Sparsity in Channel and Data Estimation for Sporadic Multi-User Communication.241.082013
Joint activity and data detection for machine to machine communication via Bayes Risk optimization10.372013
OFDM-IDM Space-Time Coding in two-hop relay-systems with error-prone relays.30.452012
Efficient Coded Bit and Power Loading for BICM-OFDM30.462009
Adaptive BICM-OFDM Systems00.342009
A Closed Power Allocation Solution For Outage Restricted Distributed Mimo Multi-Hop Networks90.812008
A Novel Resource Allocation Strategy For Distributed Mimo Multi-Hop Multi-Commodity Communications20.442008
Mutual Information Based Rate Adaptation For Mimo-Ofdm Systems With Finite Signal Alphabets30.452008