Univ S Florida, Dept Comp Sci & Engn, Tampa, FL 33620 USA
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Evaluating Models for Estimating Schedule Deviation in Public Transit00.342021
HR-auth: heart rate data authentication using consumer wearables.00.342018
Step Length And Step Width Estimation Using Wearable Sensors00.342018
A real-time smartphone-based floor detection system for the visually impaired10.392017
Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms for Crowdsensing: Survey and Research Challenges.60.422017
A Deep-Learning-Based Floor Detection System for the Visually Impaired.00.342017
A-PIE: An algorithm for preserving privacy, quality of information, and energy consumption in Participatory Sensing Systems.20.382016
HeartMapp: a mobile application to improve CHF outcomes and reduce hospital readmissions20.482015
Adaptive and Energy Efficient Context Representation Framework in Mobile Sensing120.612014
A hybrid class- and prototype-based object model to support language-neutral structural intercession70.582014
Privacy, quality of information, and energy consumption in Participatory Sensing systems280.792014
Human fall detection with smartphones30.422014
MaPIR: Mapping-based private information retrieval for location privacy in LBISs30.402013
GO_Sync — A Framework to Synchronize Crowd-Sourced Mapping Contributors from Online Communities and Transit Agency Bus Stop Inventories10.402013
On Sensor Data Verification for Participatory Sensing Systems.100.562013
Welcome message from the WoWMoM 2013 workshops chairs.00.342013
Automatic identification of points of interest in global navigation satellite system data: a spatial temporal approach.10.392013
On the Interactions between Privacy-Preserving, Incentive, and Inference Mechanisms in Participatory Sensing Systems.80.502013
Centinela: A human activity recognition system based on acceleration and vital sign data672.802012
Matlock: A Location Obfuscation Technique For Accuracy-Restricted Applications60.462012
A Mobile Platform For Real-Time Human Activity Recognition331.572012
A mobile human activity recognition system.10.392012
Density Maps: Determining Where to Sample in Participatory Sensing Systems80.472012
Preserving Privacy While Reducing Power Consumption And Information Loss In Lbs And Participatory Sensing Applications90.912011
A family of simple distributed minimum connected dominating set-based topology construction algorithms60.482011
P-Sense: A participatory sensing system for air pollution monitoring and control341.492011
Improving the energy consumption in mobile phones by filtering noisy GPS fixes with modified Kalman filters50.532011
A3Cov: A new topology construction protocol for connected area coverage in WSN70.492011
Traceband: A fast, low overhead and accurate tool for available bandwidth estimation and monitoring130.652010
On the applicability of available bandwidth estimation techniques and tools210.952010
A Multiobjective Ant Colony-Based Optimization Algorithm For The Bin Packing Problem With Load Balancing30.392010
Low energy and low latency in wireless sensor networks80.592009
Atarraya: a simulation tool to teach and research topology control algorithms for wireless sensor networks221.232009
Probabilistic Estimation Algorithm for Cooperative Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks10.442008
A3: A Topology Construction Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks201.102008
End-To-End Bandwidth And Available Bandwidth Estimation In Multi-Hop Ieee 802.11b Ad Hoc Networks30.392008
Advanced location-based services00.342008
Location API 2.0 for J2ME - A new standard in location for Java-enabled mobile phones30.392008
Neuro-fuzzy processing of packet dispersion traces for highly variable cross-traffic estimation00.342007
End-to-End Mean Bandwidth Estimation as a Function of Packet Length in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks10.422007
Analytical and experimental evaluation of TCP with an Additive Increase Smooth Decrease (AISD) strategy10.362007
A Scalable and Energy Efficient Sink Location Service for Large-scale Wireless Sensor Networks00.342007
Shielding TCP from last hop wireless losses20.392007
A grid-based sink location service for large-scale wireless sensor networks120.842006
Adapting Sequential Monte-Carlo Estimation to Cooperative Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks30.432006
Experimental And Analytical Evaluation Of Available Bandwidth Estimation Tools50.612006
Research experience for undergraduates: successes and challenges50.972006
The Anchor Location Service (ALS) protocol for large-scale wireless sensor networks241.722006
Setting up a Web100-Dummynet testbed for research in transport layer protocols20.382005
A credit-based active queue management (AQM) mechanism to achieve fairness in the internet10.342005
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