Division of Electronics Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, Sweden
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On the Compensation of Timing Mismatch in Two-Channel Time-Interleaved ADCs: Strategies and a Novel Parallel Compensation Structure00.342022
Reconfigurable FIR Lowpass Equalizers00.342022
The logics of digital advocacy: Between acts of political influence and presence:00.342019
Channel Estimation And Low-Complexity Beamforming Design For Passive Intelligent Surface Assisted Miso Wireless Energy Transfer40.712019
Optimal Least Squares Estimator and Precoder for Energy Beamforming Over IQ-Impaired Channels.10.342019
Guest Editorial Special Issue on the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2017).00.342018
Efficient Recovery of Sub-Nyquist Sampled Sparse Multi-Band Signals Using Reconfigurable Multi-Channel Analysis and Modulated Synthesis Filter Banks00.342015
Design of Modulated Filter Banks and Transmultiplexers With Unified Initial Solutions and Very Few Unknown Parameters00.342015
Prefilter-Based Reconfigurable Reconstructor for Time-Interleaved ADCs With Missing Samples20.392015
Decimation filters for high-speed delta-sigma modulators with passband constraints: General versus CIC-based FIR filters00.342015
On frequency-domain implementation of digital FIR filters00.342015
Polyphase Decomposition of Digital Fractional-Delay Filters20.422015
Filter-Bank Based All-Digital Channelizers And Aggregators For Multi-Standard Video Distribution00.342015
Add-Equalize Structures for Linear-Phase Nyquist FIR Filter Interpolators and Decimators10.362014
Two Polynomial FIR Filter Structures With Variable Fractional Delay and Phase Shift30.412014
A class of reconfigurable and low-complexity two-stage Nyquist filters00.342014
Conditions for Lth-band filters of order 2N as cascades of identical linear-phase FIR spectral factors of order N10.392014
Improved Filter Bank Approach for the Design of Variable Bandedge and Fractional Delay Filters10.352014
A sub-band based reconstructor for M-channel time-interleaved ADCS with missing samples30.532014
On Efficient Design of High-Order Filters With Applications to Filter Banks and Transmultiplexers With Large Number of Channels50.452014
Efficient reconfigurable scheme for the recovery of sub-Nyquist sampled sparse multi-band signals.20.462013
FIR filter with variable fractional delay and phase shift: Efficient realization and design using reweighted l1-norm minimization00.342013
Two-Rate Based Low-Complexity Variable Fractional-Delay FIR Filter Structures.50.462013
A method for the design of Farrow-structure based variable fractional-delay FIR filters90.562013
On FIR Filter Approximation of Fractional-Order Differentiators and Integrators70.552013
A Class of Multimode Transmultiplexers Based on the Farrow Structure60.452012
A Technique for Efficient Realization of Wide-Band FIR LTI Systems20.412012
On Two-Stage Nyquist Pulse Shaping Filters60.592012
Fractional-Delay and Supersymmetric $M$ th-Band Linear-Phase FIR Filters Utilizing Partially Symmetric and Antisymmetric Impulse Responses00.342012
Time-skew error correction in two-channel time-interleaved ADCs based on a two-rate approach and polynomial impulse responses00.342012
Reconfigurable Two-Stage Nyquist Filters Utilizing The Farrow Structure00.342012
Efficient signal reconstruction scheme for time-interleaved ADCs10.412012
Efficient Wide-Band FIR LTI Systems Derived Via Multi-Rate Techniques and Sparse Bandpass Filters40.452012
A realization of FIR filters with simultaneously variable bandwidth and fractional delay.10.362012
Dynamic Frequency-Band Reallocation and Allocation: from Satellite-Based Communication Systems to Cognitive Radios40.642011
Linear-phase FIR digital differentiator order estimation20.412011
Farrow-Structure-Based Reconfigurable Bandpass Linear-Phase FIR Filters for Integer Sampling Rate Conversion.10.352011
Complexity reduction in low-delay farrow-structure-based variable fractional delay FIR filters utilizing linear-phase subfilters.00.342011
A Class of Wide-Band Linear-Phase FIR Differentiators Using a Two-Rate Approach and the Frequency-Response Masking Technique80.672011
Reconfigurable Nonuniform Transmultiplexers Using Uniform Modulated Filter Banks130.602011
Two Classes of Cosine-Modulated IIR/IIR and IIR/FIR NPR Filter Banks20.402010
Reconfigurable nonuniform transmultiplexers based on uniform filter banks20.402010
A Polynomial-Based Time-Varying Filter Structure for the Compensation of Frequency-Response Mismatch Errors in Time-Interleaved ADCs331.382009
Scaling Of Fractional Delay Filters Based On The Farrow Structure10.362009
Flexible Frequency-Band Reallocation: Complex Versus Real20.382009
On the filter design for a class of multimode transmultiplexers30.402009
Wideband linear-phase FIR differentiators utilizing multirate and frequency-response masking techniques20.542009
A Fractionally Delaying Complex Hilbert Transform Filter00.342008
A Multimode Transmultiplexer Structure60.482008
A Least-Squares Filter Design Technique for the Compensation of Frequency Response Mismatch Errors in Time-Interleaved A/D Converters271.182008
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