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On How to Not Prove Faulty Controllers Safe in Differential Dynamic Logic00.342022
MIDES - A Tool for Supervisor Synthesis via Active Learning.00.342021
On the Use of Equivalence Classes for Optimal and Suboptimal Bin Packing and Bin Covering00.342021
An SMT Based Compositional Algorithm to Solve a Conflict-Free Electric Vehicle Routing Problem.00.342021
Temporal Logic Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems using Input Pulse Generators.00.342021
Supervisory Control Theory in System Safety Analysis.00.342020
Towards Data-Driven Approaches In Manufacturing: An Architecture To Collect Sequences Of Operations00.342020
Automatically learning formal models: an industrial case from autonomous driving development00.342020
Verification of Decision Making Software in an Autonomous Vehicle - An Industrial Case Study.00.342019
Comparative Case Studies Of Reactive Synthesis And Supervisory Control00.342019
Control components for Collaborative and Intelligent Automation Systems00.342019
On the Use of Equivalence Classes for Optimal and Sub-Optimal Bin Covering.00.342019
On-the-fly conformance testing of safety PLC code using QuickCheck00.342019
No synthesis needed, we are alright already00.342019
Synthesis of Supervisors for Unknown Plant Models Using Active Learning00.342019
Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems in an Asynchronous Setting00.342019
Evaluating Two Semantics for Falsification using an Autonomous Driving Example00.342019
Digital Twin for Legacy Systems: Simulation Model Testing and Validation10.432018
Objective Functions For Falsification Of Signal Temporal Logic Properties In Cyber-Physical Systems*00.342017
Compositional synthesis of supervisors in the form of state machines and state maps.60.472017
Application Of Formal Verification To The Lane Change Module Of An Autonomous Vehicle00.342017
Guest Editorial Special Section on the 2015 International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering.00.342017
Virtual Engineering Framework For Automatic Generation Of Control Logic Including Safety10.352017
Formulating constraint satisfaction problems for the inspection of configuration rules.00.342016
A framework for compositional nonblocking verification of extended finite-state machines60.502016
On restart of automated manufacturing systems using restart states00.342015
A Framework for Compositional Synthesis of Modular Nonblocking Supervisors120.682014
Unified Model for Synthesis and Optimization of Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems.00.342014
An empirical study of control logic specifications for programmable logic controllers00.342014
Calculating restart states using reset transitions00.342014
An Algorithm for Compositional Nonblocking Verification of Extended Finite-State Machines.20.402014
Compositional nonblocking verification for extended finite-state automata using partial unfolding30.462013
Derivation of placement transitions for offline calculation of restart states10.392013
Certainly Unsupervisable States.00.342013
State-vector transition model applied to supervisory control.00.342012
An algorithm for weak synthesis observation equivalence for compositional supervisor synthesis.30.422012
Transition removal for compositional supervisor synthesis10.382012
Towards Industrial Formal Specification of Programmable Safety Systems.40.452012
Nondeterminism avoidance in compositional synthesis of discrete event systems.40.512011
Modular specification of forbidden states for supervisory control.00.342010
Supervisor computation and representation: A case study.20.412010
Sequence Planning for Integrated Product, Process and Automation Design311.912010
Restarting Manufacturing Systems; Restart States and Restartability100.722010
Formal Specification and Verification of Industrial Control Logic Components80.572010
Generation of restart states for manufacturing systems with discarded workpieces00.342009
Special Issue on WODES'0800.342009
Modeling of discrete event systems using finite automata with variables632.782007
Minimization Of Expected Cycle Time In Manufacturing Cells With Uncontrollable Behavior10.422007
Compositional Synthesis of Maximally Permissive Supervisors Using Supervision Equivalence301.952007
Maximally permissive mutually and globally nonblocking supervision with application to switching control60.752005
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