Shizuoka University Department of Computer Science 3-5-1 Juhoku Hamamatsu 432 Japan
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Hierarchical discrepancy learning for image restoration quality assessment00.342022
Robust Single Image Dehazing Based on Consistent and Contrast-Assisted Reconstruction00.342022
Multiview Subspace Clustering by an Enhanced Tensor Nuclear Norm10.352022
Pseudo-Label Guided Collective Matrix Factorization for Multiview Clustering20.362022
MSTA-Net: Forgery Detection by Generating Manipulation Trace Based on Multi-Scale Self-Texture Attention10.352022
mCRF and mRD: Two Classification Methods Based on a Novel Multiclass Label Noise Filtering Learning Framework10.352022
MSSDet: Multi-Scale Ship-Detection Framework in Optical Remote-Sensing Images and New Benchmark.00.342022
Anomaly Warning: Learning and Memorizing Future Semantic Patterns for Unsupervised Ex-ante Potential Anomaly Prediction00.342022
PGNet: Positioning Guidance Network for Semantic Segmentation of Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images00.342022
Graph embedding clustering: Graph attention auto-encoder with cluster-specificity distribution10.402021
Integrated fusion framework based on semicoupled sparse tensor factorization for spatio-temporal–spectral fusion of remote sensing images10.362021
Full-Reference Quality Assessment for Screen Content Images Based on the Concept of Global-Guidance and Local-Adjustment10.342021
A Sketch-Transformer Network for Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis.00.342021
MaD-DLS: Mean and Deviation of Deep and Local Similarity for Image Quality Assessment00.342021
A Novel Multi-View Clustering Method for Unknown Mapping Relationships Between Cross-View Samples10.362021
CRNet - Centroid Radiation Network for Temporal Action Localization.00.342021
Remote Sensing Imagery Scene Classification Based on Spiking Neural Network.00.342021
Multiple graphs learning with a new weighted tensor nuclear norm20.382021
Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization with Segment-Level Labels.10.362021
Spectral–Spatial-Weighted Multiview Collaborative Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Images10.362020
Auto-Gan: Self-Supervised Collaborative Learning For Medical Image Synthesis00.342020
Towards Transferable Targeted Attack10.352020
Progressive Sub-band Residual-Learning Network for MR Image Super Resolution.40.382020
Aurora Image Search With a Saliency-Weighted Region Network00.342020
Semantic-Related Image Style Transfer with Dual-Consistency Loss.20.362020
Deep multi-label learning for image distortion identification20.392020
Channel-Wise and Spatial Feature Modulation Network for Single Image Super-Resolution170.582020
Exploiting Related and Unrelated Tasks for Hierarchical Metric Learning and Image Classification.10.372020
No-Reference Quality Evaluation of Stereoscopic Video Based on Spatio-Temporal Texture00.342020
Multi-Margin based Decorrelation Learning for Heterogeneous Face Recognition.10.352019
Data Augmentation-Based Joint Learning for Heterogeneous Face Recognition.50.422019
<inline-formula> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">${R}_1$ </tex-math></inline-formula>-2-DPCA and Face Recognition80.452019
Fusion global and local deep representations with neural attention for aesthetic quality assessment.00.342019
Graph and Autoencoder Based Feature Extraction for Zero-shot Learning.40.442019
Single Image Super-Resolution via Cascaded Multi-Scale Cross Network.20.362018
Compressed multi-scale feature fusion network for single image super-resolution.50.402018
Single Image Dehazing With Depth-Aware Non-Local Total Variation Regularization.90.462018
Triplet-Based Deep Hashing Network for Cross-Modal Retrieval.641.222018
Single Image Super Resolution Based On Deep Residual Network Via Lateral Modules00.342018
Robust Formulation for PCA: Avoiding Mean Calculation With L2, p-norm Maximization.00.342018
Face Recognition from Multiple Stylistic Sketches: Scenarios, Datasets, and Evaluation.90.462018
Robust DLPP With Nongreedy ℓ1-Norm Minimization and Maximization.00.342018
Compositional Model-Based Sketch Generator in Facial Entertainment.70.422018
Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Visuo-Spatial Series Statistics.00.342018
Unified framework for face sketch synthesis.90.452017
Bayesian Face Sketch Synthesis.430.982017
A Cascaded Segmentation Method Based On Region Merging To Change Detection In Remote Sensing Images00.342017
Robust Sparse Coding for Mobile Image Labeling on the Cloud.120.602017
Despeckling of SAR Image Using Generalized Guided Filter With Bayesian Nonlocal Means40.402016
Truthful double auction of spectrum trading for femtocell service provision.00.342016
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