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Impact of OCR Quality on BERT Embeddings in the Domain Classification of Book Excerpts.00.342021
An Open Data Approach to Revealing Indigenous Texts in Large-Scale Digital Repositories - A Case-Study of Locating Pages of Māori Text in the HathiTrust.00.342020
Using the HTRC Data Capsule Model to Promote Reuse and Evolution of Experimental Analysis of Digital Library Data - A Case Study of Topic Modeling.00.342019
A Trend Analysis on Concreteness of Popular Song Lyrics00.342019
Guest editors' introduction to the special issue on digital libraries for musicology.00.342019
Introduction to the 2018 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries Doctoral Consortium Issue.00.342019
Seeding Strategies for Semantic Disambiguation.00.342018
JCDL 2018 Doctoral Consortium.00.342018
At the Nexus of Data and Collections: New Affordances in the Age of Mass-Scale Digital Libraries.00.342018
Providing Pin-point Page-level Precision to 1 Trillion Tokens of Text for Workset Creation.00.342018
Worksets Expand the Scholarly Utility of Digital Libraries.00.342018
Introduction to the 2017 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries Doctoral Consortium Issue.00.342018
MEDDLEing with Digital Library Searches: Surmounting User Model and System Misalignments through Lightweight Bespoke Proxying.00.342018
Exploratory Investigation of Word Embedding in Song Lyric Topic Classification: Promising Preliminary Results.00.342018
Music Artist Similarity: An Exploratory Study on a Large-Scale Dataset of Online Streaming Services.10.362018
Jazzcats - navigating an RDF triplestore of integrated performance metadata.00.342018
The MIREX grand challenge: A framework of holistic user‐experience evaluation in music information retrieval50.482017
Building Worksets for Scholarship by Linking Complementary Corpora.00.342017
Creating a Policy Framework for Analytic Access to In-Copyright Works for Non-Consumptive Research.00.342017
Exploring the Music Library Association Mailing List: A Text Mining Approach.10.352017
Exploiting graph-based data to realize new functionalities for scholar-built worksets.00.342017
Big-Data Oriented Text Analysis For The Humanities: Pedagogical Use Of The HathiTrust+Bookworm Tool.00.342017
Toward accessible course content: challenges and opportunities for libraries and information systems00.342016
Low-cost Semantic Enhancement to Digital Library Metadata and Indexing: Simple Yet Effective Strategies.20.432016
Mining Texts with the Extracted Features Dataset.00.342016
The Trace of Theory: Extracting Subsets from Large Collections.00.342016
WiMIR: An Informetric Study On Women Authors In ISMIR.00.342016
Adding Flexibility to Large-Scale Text Visualization with HathiTrust+Bookworm.00.342016
Exploring J-DISC: Some Preliminary Analyses00.342016
A Comparative Analysis of Bibliographic Ontologies: Implications for Digital Humanities.00.342016
Improving Access to Large-scale Digital Libraries ThroughSemantic-enhanced Search and Disambiguation101.082015
MIREX Grand Challenge 2014 User Experience: Qualitative Analysis of User Feedback.10.352015
Building Complex Research Collections in Digital Libraries: A Survey of Ontology Implications30.462015
The HathiTrust Research Center: Providing analytic access to the HathiTrust Digital Library's 4.7 billion pages10.702015
Improving Consistency of Crowdsourced Multimedia Similarity for Evaluation10.352015
Topic Modeling Users' Interpretations of Songs to Inform Subject Access in Music Digital Libraries00.342015
Large-scale text analysis through the HathiTrust Research Center.00.342014
What is this song about anyway?: automatic classification of subject using user interpretations and lyrics50.542014
Ten Years of MIREX (Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange): Reflections, Challenges and Opportunities.60.442014
The HathiTrust Corpus: A Digital Library for Musicology Research?10.362014
A Musical Progression with Greenstone: How Music Content Analysis and Linked Data is Helping Redefine the Boundaries to a Music Digital Library70.652014
HathiTrust research center: computational access for digital humanities and beyond10.352013
How Significant is Statistically Significant? The case of Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval.110.602012
The Impact of MIREX on Scholarly Research (2005 - 2010).30.442012
Reuse, Remix, Repeat: the Workflows of MIR.60.732012
Music interaction research in HCI: let's get the band back together80.582012
Exploiting music structures for digital libraries10.362011
Music Structure Segmentation Algorithm Evaluation: Expanding on MIREX 2010 Analyses and Datasets.00.342011
Design and creation of a large-scale database of structural annotations.00.342011
Improving mood classification in music digital libraries by combining lyrics and audio411.562010
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