Hong Kong Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Comp Sci & Engn, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
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Wnet: Audio-Guided Video Object Segmentation via Wavelet-Based Cross- Modal Denoising Networks00.342022
Regularization Penalty Optimization for Addressing Data Quality Variance in OoD Algorithms.00.342022
ReLoop: A Self-Correction Continual Learning Loop for Recommender Systems10.342022
Beyond Relevance Ranking: A General Graph Matching Framework for Utility-Oriented Learning to Rank00.342022
MISS: Multi-Interest Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Click-Through Rate Prediction00.342022
Improving Knowledge Tracing with Collaborative Information00.342022
IPGAN: Generating Informative Item Pairs by Adversarial Sampling00.342022
Hierarchical Imitation Learning via Subgoal Representation Learning for Dynamic Treatment Recommendation00.342022
Contrastive Learning with Positive-Negative Frame Mask for Music Representation00.342022
PEAR: Personalized Re-ranking with Contextualized Transformer for Recommendation00.342022
Memorize, Factorize, or be Naispacing : Learning Optimal Feature Interaction Methods for CTR Prediction00.342022
Open Benchmarking for Click-Through Rate Prediction00.342021
Why Do We Click: Visual Impression-aware News Recommendation30.362021
Enhancing Explicit and Implicit Feature Interactions via Information Sharing for Parallel Deep CTR Models30.412021
UNBERT - User-News Matching BERT for News Recommendation.00.342021
An Embedding Learning Framework for Numerical Features in CTR Prediction30.392021
Top-N Recommendation with Counterfactual User Preference Simulation.10.352021
Retrieval & Interaction Machine for Tabular Data Prediction10.362021
Mobile App Cross-Domain Recommendation with Multi-Graph Neural Network10.342021
RMBERT: News Recommendation via Recurrent Reasoning Memory Network over BERT10.352021
BiPS: Hotness-aware Bi-tier Parameter Synchronization for Recommendation Models00.342021
UltraGCN: Ultra Simplification of Graph Convolutional Networks for Recommendation50.402021
Mitigating Confounding Bias in Recommendation via Information Bottleneck10.352021
Graph Heterogeneous Multi-Relational Recommendation00.342021
Cross-Batch Negative Sampling for Training Two-Tower Recommenders00.342021
Deep Learning for Click-Through Rate Estimation.10.352021
Modeling High-Order Interactions Across Multi-Interests For Micro-Video Recommendation (Student Abstract)00.342021
A Graph-Enhanced Click Model for Web Search20.372021
An Adversarial Imitation Click Model for Information Retrieval20.382021
Hierarchical Cross-Modal Graph Consistency Learning for Video-Text Retrieval00.342021
ScaleFreeCTR: MixCache-based Distributed Training System for CTR Models with Huge Embedding Table10.352021
Dual Sequence Transformer for Query-based Interactive Recommendation00.342021
SimpleX: A Simple and Strong Baseline for Collaborative Filtering20.362021
Dual Graph enhanced Embedding Neural Network for CTR Prediction30.382021
AMM: Attentive Multi-field Matching for News Recommendation00.342021
Counterfactual Contrastive Learning for Weakly-Supervised Vision-Language Grounding00.342020
Counterfactual learning for recommender system00.342020
State representation modeling for deep reinforcement learning based recommendation00.342020
Neighbor Interaction Aware Graph Convolution Networks for Recommendation20.372020
AutoFeature: Searching for Feature Interactions and Their Architectures for Click-through Rate Prediction30.382020
Item Tagging for Information Retrieval: A Tripartite Graph Neural Network based Approach10.362020
Personalized Re-ranking with Item Relationships for E-commerce20.362020
Top-aware reinforcement learning based recommendation00.342020
U-rank: Utility-oriented Learning to Rank with Implicit Feedback20.362020
End-to-End Deep Reinforcement Learning based Recommendation with Supervised Embedding.20.372020
TGCN: Tag Graph Convolutional Network for Tag-Aware Recommendation00.342020
Synchronization Stability Analysis and Enhancement of Grid-Tied Multi-Converter Systems00.342020
Influence Function for Unbiased Recommendation00.342020
JIT2R: A Joint Framework for Item Tagging and Tag-based Recommendation00.342020
AutoFIS: Automatic Feature Interaction Selection in Factorization Models for Click-Through Rate Prediction60.432020
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