IBM Corp, Haifa Res Lab, Haifa Univ Campus, IL-31905 Haifa, Israel
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Bridging the gap between ML solutions and their business requirements using feature interactions.20.372019
A Composition-Based Method for Combinatorial Test Design10.362017
Towards a Human-Centred Approach in Modelling and Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems.40.442016
A Visual Logical Language for System Modelling in Combinatorial Test Design.00.342016
Teaching Logic to Information Systems Students: Challenges and Opportunities20.392015
Exploring the Role of Logic and Formal Methods in Information Systems Education.10.352015
Special issue on testing, analysis and debugging of concurrent programs00.342015
Helping the Tester Get It Right: Towards Supporting Agile Combinatorial Test Design.70.612015
Using Wiki as a Collaboration Platform for Software Requirements and Design10.362014
Combinatorial Testing with Order Requirements40.442014
Multicore Software Engineering, Performance, and Tools - International Conference, MUSEPAT 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 19-20, 2013. Proceedings90.642013
Using Projections to Debug Large Combinatorial Models40.392013
Using combinatorial benchmark construction to improve the assessment of concurrency bug detection tools30.392012
Using program closures to make an application programming interface (API) implementation thread safe20.382012
The study of resource allocation among software development phases: an economics-based approach20.402011
Using binary decision diagrams for combinatorial test design481.832011
Practical verification of high-level dataraces in transactional memory programs30.432011
Engaging Stakeholders in Globally Distributed Software Development Processes.00.342010
Unit testing for concurrent business code00.342010
Detection of Transactional Memory anomalies using static analysis60.492010
Forcing small models of conditions on program interleaving for detection of concurrent bugs100.562009
Cross-Entropy-Based Replay of Concurrent Programs30.412009
Advanced code coverage analysis using substring holes60.742009
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing, Analysis, and Debugging, PADTAD 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 19-20, 200990.762009
Automated Substring Hole Analysis20.482009
Selective Homeworkless Reviews30.502008
SeeCode --- A Code Review Plug-in for Eclipse00.342008
6th workshop on parallel and distributed systems: testing and debugging (PADTAD '08)00.342008
Pitfalls in teaching development and testing of concurrent programs and how to overcome them00.342008
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing, Analysis, and Debugging, held in conjunction with the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2008), PADTAD 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA, July 20-21, 2008101.612008
The advantages of post-link code coverage10.372007
Cross-Entropy Based Testing70.482007
Distributed Desk Checking10.352007
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing, Analysis, and Debugging, held in conjunction with the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2007), PADTAD 2007, London, UK, July 9, 200781.282007
Choosing among Alternative Pasts60.482007
Noise Makers Need to Know Where to be Silent - Producing Schedules That Find Bugs120.652006
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing, Analysis, and Debugging, held in conjunction with the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2006), PADTAD 2006, Portland, Maine, USA, July 17, 200690.962006
Formal verification of concurrent software: two case studies30.412006
Producing scheduling that causes concurrent programs to fail100.572006
Compact Representations Of Search In Complex Domains20.392005
Effective Testing and Debugging Techniques for a Group Communication System10.362005
Assisting the code review process using simple pattern recognition30.452005
Applications of synchronization coverage351.372005
Optimal algorithmic debugging and reduced coverage using search in structured domains00.342005
Fidgeting to the Point of No Return50.452004
Concurrent Bug Patterns and How to Test Them1224.102003
Heuristics for Finding Concurrent Bugs130.642003
Framework For Testing Multi-Threaded Java Programs704.422003
Automatic query refinement using lexical affinities with maximal information gain.00.342002
Static index pruning for information retrieval systems11910.222001
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