Harbin Institute of Technology, China
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Bridging Pre-trained Language Models and Hand-crafted Features for Unsupervised POS Tagging00.342022
Fast and Accurate End-to-End Span-based Semantic Role Labeling as Word-based Graph Parsing.00.342022
Neural Coupled Sequence Labeling for Heterogeneous Annotation Conversion00.342022
MuCGEC: a Multi-Reference Multi-Source Evaluation Dataset for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction00.342022
MuCPAD: A Multi-Domain Chinese Predicate-Argument Dataset00.342022
Data Augmentation with Hierarchical SQL-to-Question Generation for Cross-domain Text-to-SQL Parsing.00.342021
A Unified Span-Based Approach for Opinion Mining with Syntactic Constituents00.342021
Dependency-based syntax-aware word representations10.362021
Stacked AMR Parsing with Silver Data.00.342021
APGN - Adversarial and Parameter Generation Networks for Multi-Source Cross-Domain Dependency Parsing.00.342021
Fast and Accurate Neural CRF Constituency Parsing00.342020
DuSQL: A Large-Scale and Pragmatic Chinese Text-to-SQL Dataset.00.342020
SUDA-Alibaba at MRP 2019 - Graph-Based Models with BERT.00.342019
Conversion and Exploitation of Dependency Treebanks with Full-Tree LSTM.00.342019
HLT@SUDA at SemEval 2019 Task 1: UCCA Graph Parsing as Constituent Tree Parsing.00.342019
HLT@SUDA at SemEval-2019 Task 1: UCCA Graph Parsing as Constituent Tree Parsing.00.342019
Syntax-Enhanced Neural Machine Translation with Syntax-Aware Word Representations.10.352019
Overview of the NLPCC 2019 Shared Task: Cross-Domain Dependency Parsing.00.342019
基于BiLSTM并结合自注意力机制和句法信息的隐式篇章关系分类 (BiLSTM-based Implicit Discourse Relation Classification Combining Self-attentionMechanism and Syntactic Information).00.342019
A Syntax-aware Multi-task Learning Framework for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling00.342019
M-CNER: A Corpus for Chinese Named Entity Recognition in Multi-Domains.00.342018
Distantly Supervised NER with Partial Annotation Learning and Reinforcement Learning.20.372018
Coupled POS Tagging on Heterogeneous Annotations.10.352017
Dependency Parsing with Partial Annotations: An Empirical Comparison.10.362017
Multi-Grained Chinese Word Segmentation.10.352017
Active Learning For Dependency Parsing With Partial Annotation20.372016
Distributed Representations for Building Profiles of Users and Items from Text Reviews.00.342016
Fast Coupled Sequence Labeling on Heterogeneous Annotations via Context-aware Pruning.20.412016
Training Dependency Parsers with Partial Annotation.10.352016
Building Powerful Dependency Parsers for Resource-Poor Languages00.342016
Finding Arguments as Sequence Labeling in Discourse Parsing.10.362016
Word Segmentation on Micro-blog Texts with External Lexicon and Heterogeneous Data 20.432016
Linear and Non-Linear Models for Purchase Prediction00.342015
Coupled Sequence Labeling On Heterogeneous Annotations: Pos Tagging As A Case Study110.552015
Exploiting Heterogeneous Annotations for Weibo Word Segmentation and POS Tagging.40.442015
Chinese Spelling Error Detection and Correction Based on Language Model, Pronunciation, and Shape30.462014
Joint Optimization for Chinese POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing70.932014
Dependency Parsing: Past, Present, and Future.00.342014
Soft Cross-lingual Syntax Projection for Dependency Parsing.90.482014
Fast data in the era of big data: Twitter's real-time related query suggestion architecture381.272013
Learning Sentence Representation for Emotion Classification on Microblogs90.632013
Stacking Heterogeneous Joint Models of Chinese POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing.20.382012
A Separately Passive-Aggressive Training Algorithm for Joint POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing.140.542012
Exploiting multiple treebanks for parsing with quasi-synchronous grammars50.392012
Joint models for Chinese POS tagging and dependency parsing371.172011
Improving Chinese POS Tagging with Dependency Parsing.40.392011
LTP: a Chinese Language Technology Platform1185.042010
Improving Dependency Parsing Using Punctuation30.472010
Multilingual Dependency-based Syntactic and Semantic Parsing.282.192009
A Cascaded Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parsing System.181.332008