DISCo, University of Milano-Bicocca, Building U14, Viale Sarca 336/14, 20126 Milan, Italy
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LearningToAdapt with word embeddings: Domain adaptation of Named Entity Recognition systems00.342021
Flexible and Adaptive Fairness-aware Learning in Non-stationary Data Streams00.342020
Constrained Relational Topic Models00.342020
CAGE: Constrained deep Attributed Graph Embedding.00.342020
Using Machine Learning to Automate Mammogram Images Analysis00.342020
The Internet Of Responsibilities - Connecting Human Responsibilities Using Big Data And Blockchain00.342019
Word Embeddings for Unsupervised Named Entity Linking00.342019
Efficient Kernel-Based Subsequence Search for Enabling Health Monitoring Services in IoT-Based Home Setting.00.342019
Earthquake management: a decision support system based on natural language processing.40.382017
Approval network: a novel approach for sentiment analysis in social networks.40.382017
Expressive signals in social media languages to improve polarity detection.160.562016
Unsupervised Irony Detection: A Probabilistic Model with Word Embeddings.20.362016
UniMiB: Entity Linking in Tweets using Jaro-Winkler Distance, Popularity and Coherence.30.472016
Deep Learning and Ensemble Methods for Domain Adaptation00.342016
Word Sense Discrimination on Tweets: A Graph-based Approach.10.352015
Overlapping Kernel-based Community Detection with Node Attributes.00.342015
Legal retrieval as support to eMediation: matching disputant's case and court decisions40.432015
An Interactive Method for Inferring Demographic Attributes in Twitter30.422015
Detecting Irony And Sarcasm In Microblogs: The Role Of Expressive Signals And Ensemble Classifiers80.512015
Soft-constrained inference for Named Entity Recognition70.542014
Sentiment analysis: Bayesian Ensemble Learning.180.712014
A Latent Representation Model for Sentiment Analysis in Heterogeneous Social Networks.20.372014
eMediation - Towards Smart Online Dispute Resolution10.362014
The Mathematics of Filtering and Its Applications.00.342014
A p-Median approach for predicting drug response in tumour cells.80.452014
Bayesian Model Averaging and Model Selection for Polarity Classification.80.542013
Named entities in judicial transcriptions: extended conditional random fields30.422013
Enhance User-Level Sentiment Analysis on Microblogs with Approval Relations.120.562013
Enhance Polarity Classification on Social Media through Sentiment-based Feature Expansion.20.402013
Web Page Classification Through Probabilistic Relational Models20.392013
Subject-Dependent Physical Activity Recognition Model Framework with a Semi-supervised Clustering Approach10.372013
Multiple Object Tracking with Relations.10.362012
Discovering Gene-Drug Relationships for the Pharmacology of Cancer.10.362012
A new clustering approach for learning transcriptional modules.10.372012
Semantics and machine learning: A new generation of court management systems30.472010
Semantics and Machine Learning for Building the Next Generation of Judicial Court Management Systems.00.342010
IKNOS: inference and knowledge in networks of sensors60.402010
Web page classification: a probabilistic model with relational uncertainty00.342010
A Mathematical Model for Optimal Functional Disruption of Biochemical Networks10.362010
Combining Gene Expression Profiles and Drug Activity Patterns Analysis: A Relational Clustering Approach30.412010
An integrated communications framework for context aware continuous monitoring with body sensor networks181.082009
Relational Dynamic Bayesian Networks to Improve Multi-target Tracking20.452009
Granular modeling of web documents: impact on information retrieval systems30.452008
Graph models and mathematical programming in biochemical network analysis and metabolic engineering design10.372008
Genetic programming and other machine learning approaches to predict median oral Lethal Dose (LD50) and plasma protein binding levels (%PPB) of drugs60.532007
Towards metabolic networks phylogeny using Petri Net-based expansional analysis10.482007
Genetic programming for computational pharmacokinetics in drug discovery and development311.702007
Classifying and counting vehicles in traffic control applications20.392006
UP-DRES: user profiling for a dynamic REcommendation system00.342006
Genetic programming for human oral bioavailability of drugs251.312006