City Univ Hong Kong, Dept Comp Sci, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
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Efficient data dissemination in cooperative multi-RSU Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs).160.642016
On scheduling data access with cooperative load balancing in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)110.612014
Admission Control-Based Multichannel Data Broadcasting for Real-Time Multi-Item Queries.10.352014
Hypergraph-based data link layer scheduling for reliable packet delivery in wireless sensing and control networks with end-to-end delay constraints.160.672014
Supporting real-time multiple data items query in multi-RSU vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)70.492013
On Scheduling Real-Time Multi-item Queries in Multi-RSU Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)00.342013
Efficient processing of requests with network coding in on-demand data broadcast environments110.562013
Golden age:on multi-source software update propagation in pervasive networking environments190.392013
Movement prediction based cooperative caching for location dependent information service in mobile ad hoc networks60.412012
Performance analysis of cache consistency strategies for multi-hop wireless networks00.342012
Co-operative data access in multiple Road Side Units (RSUs)-based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)50.442011
Network coding-aware cache replacement policy in on-demand broadcast environments00.342011
Communication Cost Minimization in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks for Road Surveillance60.442011
Two-step joint scheduling scheme for road side units (RSUs)-based vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)50.412011
Co-Operative Load Balancing in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks VANETs00.342011
Analysis and performance study for coordinated hierarchical cache placement strategies30.482010
AEETC - adaptive energy-efficient timing control in wireless networks with network coding.50.442010
An Efficient Approach for Generalized Load Balancing in Multipath Packet Switched Networks00.342010
Peer-exchange schemes to handle mismatch in peer-to-peer systems20.362009
Energy saving strategies for cooperative cache replacement in mobile ad hoc networks100.492009
Maintaining Probabilistic Consistency for Frequently Offline Devices in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks110.542009
Energy Efficient Residual Energy Monitoring In Wireless Sensor Networks90.692009
Push popular segments in P2P VoD system: possibility and design10.372009
Quick patching: an overlay multicast scheme for supporting video on demand in wireless networks70.662008
Cache placement optimization in hierarchical networks: analysis and performance evaluation20.372008
Caching Invalidation Strategies for Supporting 'Weak' Location Dependent Queries00.342008
Location Dependent Cooperative Caching in MANET30.402008
Coding-Aware Multi-Path Routing In Multi-Hop Wireless Networks120.702008
Real time video frames allocation in mobile networks using cooperative pre-fetching70.532007
Scheduling real-time multi-item requests in wireless on-demand broadcast networks70.482007
Towards Location-aware Topology in both Unstructured and Structured P2P Systems130.542007
Energy-Efficient Cache Replacement Policies for Cooperative Caching in Mobile Ad Hoc Network110.662007
Cache Invalidation Strategies for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks100.532007
Energy Efficient Fractional Coverage Schemes for Low Cost Wireless Sensor Networks90.602006
On Mitigating Hot Spots For Clustering Mechanisms In Wireless Sensor Networks40.552006
A buffered-bandwidth approach for supporting real-time video streaming over cellular networks20.392006
Energy efficient multipath routing in large scale sensor networks with multiple sink nodes120.732005
A Statistics-Based Sensor Selection Scheme for Continuous Probabilistic Queries in Sensor Networks70.542005
Equation-based TCP-friendly congestion control under lossy environment30.402005
Probabilistic continuous update scheme in location dependent continuous queries00.342005
Concurrency control strategies for ordered data broadcast in mobile computing systems90.482004
On using buffered bandwidth to support real-time mobile video playback in cellular networks00.342004
Continuous residual energy monitoring in wireless sensor networks70.532004
An analytical model for an RIO queue fed with On/Off sources over a wireless link.00.342003
Processing of location-dependent continuous queries on real-time spatial data: the view from RETINA30.432003
Scheduling video stream transmissions for distributed playback over mobile cellular networks10.352002
Enhanced multi-version data broadcast schemes for time-constrained mobile computing systems60.482002
A fair and adaptive scheduling protocol for video stream transmission in mobile environment.30.422002
A Rate-Based Streaming Protocol for Wireless Networks10.362001
An efficient method for generating location updates for processing of location-dependent continuous queries292.032001
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