School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing, China
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Performance Gains From Cooperative MIMO Radar and MIMO Communication Systems.50.432019
Modeling Context-aware Legal Computing with Bigraphs.00.342017
Generalized Cramér–Rao Bound for Joint Estimation of Target Position and Velocity for Active and Passive Radar Networks100.512016
Comparing the Cramer-Rao bounds for distributed radar with and without previous detection information00.342015
Edges Protection In Multiple Releases Of Social Network Data00.342014
Security Flaw of an ECC-based Signcryption Scheme with Anonymity.10.362013
MisDis: An Efficent Misbehavior Discovering Method Based on Accountability and State Machine in VANET.00.342013
Sensitive edges protection in social networks00.342013
Context-Aware Service Modeling and Rule Evolution00.342013
Resisting relay attacks on vehicular Passive Keyless Entry and start systems.20.382012
Efficient Detect Scheme of Botnet Command and Control Communication.00.342012
PKU-STRAW-L: A Simulative Platform Evaluate the Power-Saving Rate of the Intelligent Street Lamp System00.342012
iSac: Intimacy Based Access Control for Social Network Sites30.392012
Privacy protection in social networks using l-diversity00.342012
Real-Valued negative selection algorithm with variable-sized self radius20.372012
RGH: An Efficient RSU-Aided Group-Based Hierarchical Privacy Enhancement Protocol for VANETs.00.342012
Further Improvement of An Authentication Scheme with User Anonymity for Wireless Communications.40.402012
A novel commutative blinding identity based encryption scheme00.342011
New fully secure hierarchical identity-based encryption with constant size ciphertexts20.382011
Produre: A novel proximity discovery mechanism in location tagging system00.342011
On the security of an identity based multi-proxy signature scheme120.532011
A traceable privacy-preserving authentication protocol for VANETs based on proxy re-signature.10.362011
Sitab: Combating Spam in Tagging Systems via Users' Implicit Tagging Behavior00.342011
A traceable certificateless threshold proxy signature scheme from bilinear pairings00.342011
Need for Symmetry: Addressing Privacy Risks in Online Social Networks10.392011
When ABE Meets RSS00.342010
Data-Centric trust framework for high integrity wireless sensor networks00.342010
An Adjacency Matrixes-Based Model for Network Security Analysis10.392010
Towards Risk Evaluation of Denial-of-Service Vulnerabilities in Security Protocols.10.352010
Identity-based encryption based on DHIES30.412010
Implementing Attribute-Based Encryption in Web Services20.392010
Efficient privacy-preserving authentication protocol for vehicular communications with trustworthy20.392010
New construction of identity-based proxy re-encryption30.382010
Ciphertext policy attribute-based proxy re-encryption370.972010
SWORDS: improving sensor networks immunity under worm attacks10.372010
Filtering false data via authentic consensus in vehicle ad hoc networks20.402010
Claper: Recommend classical papers to beginners80.542010
DSpam: Defending Against Spam in Tagging Systems via Users' Reliability30.452010
A Secure Routing Protocol and its application in Multi-sink Wireless Sensor Networks.20.362010
Securing key issuing in peer-to-peer networks00.342009
Evaluating Network Security With Two-Layer Attack Graphs150.742009
Automatic Data Extraction from Web Discussion Forums30.462009
A New Method to Generate Attack Graphs00.342009
SKIP: A Secure Key Issuing Scheme for Peer-to-Peer Networks20.372009
A holistic mechanism against file pollution in peer-to-peer networks80.472009
Scalable Byzantine Fault Tolerant Public Key Authentication for Peer-to-Peer Networks60.502008
Fbsr: Feedback-Based Secure Routing Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks30.412008
Automatic Construction and Optimization of Layered Network Attack Graph.00.342008
Hybrid Overlay Structure Based on Virtual Node10.432007
CuboidTrust: a global reputation-based trust model in peer-to-peer networks140.672007
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