Univ Texas, Dept Comp Sci, Austin, TX 78712 USA
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REVE 2022: 10th International Workshop on REverse Variability Engineering00.342022
Evolving software system families in space and time with feature revisions00.342022
REVE 2021 - 9th International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering.00.342021
Automatic extraction of product line architecture and feature models from UML class diagram variants.10.362020
Customization Support In Computer-Based Technologies For Autism: A Systematic Mapping Study00.342020
Seventh international workshop on reverse variability engineering (REVE 2019)00.342019
Answering the call of the wild?: thoughts on the elusive quest for ecological validity in variability modeling00.342019
Fourth international workshop on software product line teaching (SPLTea 2019)00.342019
Personalization of Computer-Based Technologies for Autism: An Open Challenge for Software Engineering?00.342018
REVE 2018: 6th international workshop on reverse variability engineering.00.342018
A Focused Mapping Study on Customization in Interactive Technologies for Autism.00.342018
SPLtea 2018: third international workshop on software product line teaching.00.342018
Teaching software product lines: a snapshot of current practices and challenges (journal-first abstract).00.342018
Multi-objective reverse engineering of variability-safe feature models based on code dependencies of system variants.40.442017
From Abstract to Concrete Repairs of Model Inconsistencies: An Automated Approach30.362017
REVE 2017: 5th International Workshop on REverse Variability Engineering.00.342017
Reengineering legacy applications into software product lines: a systematic mapping.130.642017
Teaching Software Product Lines: A Snapshot of Current Practices and Challenges.71.162017
Discovering Software Architectures with Search-Based Merge of UML Model Variants.10.362017
Visualization for Software Product Lines: A Systematic Mapping Study20.362016
Towards Visualization of Feature Interactions in Software Product Lines00.342016
Consistent merging of model versions30.422016
Multi-objective test case prioritization in highly configurable systems: A case study.160.502016
A preliminary empirical assessment of similarity for combinatorial interaction testing of software product lines.50.372016
A Source Level Empirical Study of Features and Their Interactions in Variable Software.10.352016
Third International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering (REVE 2015)00.342015
A systematic mapping study of search-based software engineering for software product lines.200.572015
Applying multiobjective evolutionary algorithms to dynamic software product lines for reconfiguring mobile applications.240.642015
Using traceability for incremental construction and evolution of software product portfolios60.432015
Towards Safe Model Transformation for Constraint-driven Modeling.00.342015
The ECCO tool: extraction and composition for clone-and-own120.552015
Bridging the Gap between Software Variability and System Variant Management: Experiences from an Industrial Machinery Product Line20.372015
SPLTea 2015: Second International Workshop on Software Product Line Teaching00.342015
A Hitchhiker's Guide to Search-Based Software Engineering for Software Product Lines.60.402014
Towards a Benchmark and a Comparison Framework for Combinatorial Interaction Testing of Software Product Lines.60.412014
Second International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering (REVE 2014)20.652014
SPLTea 2014: First International Workshop on Software Product Line Teaching10.372014
A survey on teaching of software product lines40.802014
Recovering Feature-to-Code Mappings in Mixed-Variability Software Systems110.492014
Context variability modeling for runtime configuration of service-based dynamic software product lines100.472014
Co-evolution of Metamodels and Models through Consistent Change Propagation.60.452013
Recovering traceability between features and code in product variants260.902013
Multi-objective Optimal Test Suite Computation for Software Product Line Pairwise Testing230.592013
Improving CASA Runtime Performance by Exploiting Basic Feature Model Analysis.30.362013
Using feature model knowledge to speed up the generation of covering arrays100.552013
SBSE4VM: Search Based Software Engineering for Variability Management50.402013
Towards interactive visualization support for pairwise testing software product lines40.402013
Supporting the Co-evolution of Metamodels and Constraints through Incremental Constraint Management.130.592013
Towards fixing inconsistencies in models with variability80.492012
Automatically generating and adapting model constraints to support co-evolution of design models60.452012
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