The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
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Flexibility of Boolean Network Reservoir Computers in Approximating Arbitrary Recursive and Non-Recursive Binary Filters.00.342018
Solving the influence maximization problem reveals regulatory organization of the yeast cell cycle.00.342017
Multiscale mutation clustering algorithm identifies pan-cancer mutational clusters associated with pathway-level changes in gene expression.20.442017
Mapping dynamical states to structural classes for Boolean networks using a classification algorithm00.342015
Biocellion: accelerating computer simulation of multicellular biological system models.130.952014
Fastbreak: a tool for analysis and visualization of structural variations in genomic data.10.402012
Trade-off between Responsiveness and Noise Suppression in Biomolecular System Responses to Environmental Cues.00.342011
EPEPT: A web service for enhanced P-value estimation in permutation tests.80.342011
Probabilistic analysis of gene expression measurements from heterogeneous tissues.181.422010
Introduction to the special issue on information theory in molecular biology and neuroscience70.612010
SEQADAPT: an adaptable system for the tracking, storage and analysis of high throughput sequencing experiments.90.352010
An integration architecture designed to deal with the issues of biological scope, scale and complexity10.352010
Genome-wide histone acetylation data improve prediction of mammalian transcription factor binding sites111.442010
Howdah - A Flexible Pipeline Framework for Analyzing Genomic Data00.342010
Biological information as set-based complexity60.792010
Adaptable data management for systems biology investigations.61.132009
Critical Boolean networks require minimal intervention rate.00.342009
Fewer permutations, more accurate P-values271.722009
Using cell fate attractors to uncover transcriptional regulation of HL60 neutrophil differentiation.71.012009
Inference of Boolean networks using sensitivity regularization.90.532008
Learning the structure of dynamic Bayesian networks from time series and steady state measurements130.992008
Systems biology driven software design for the research enterprise.60.622008
Set-based complexity and biological information30.382008
Simcluster: clustering enumeration gene expression data on the simplex space.40.552007
Robust regression for periodicity detection in non-uniformly sampled time-course gene expression data.280.982007
ProbCD: enrichment analysis accounting for categorization uncertainty100.882007
Extraction Of The Number Of Peroxisomes In Yeast Cells By Automated Image Analysis00.342006
Relationships between probabilistic Boolean networks and dynamic Bayesian networks as models of gene regulatory networks.432.512006
The Role of Redundancy in the Robustness of Random Boolean Networks151.442005
In silico microdissection of microarray data from heterogeneous cell populations.381.672005
Robust quantification of in vitro angiogenesis through image analysis151.342005
Steady-state probabilities for attractors in probabilistic boolean networks473.262005
Robust estimation of protein expression ratios with lysate microarray technology.61.642005
Noise In A Small Genetic Circuit That Undergoes Bifurcation52.562005
Genomic signal processing: the salient issues80.942004
Correction of misclassifications using a proximity-based estimation method00.342004
Growing genetic regulatory networks from seed genes311.652004
On Learning Gene Regulatory Networks Under the Boolean Network Model934.542003
Genomic signal processing80.732003
Mappings between probabilistic boolean networks90.712003
Stability-based cluster analysis applied to microarray data.71.062003
Markov Random Field Modeling in Median Pyramidal Transform Domain for Denoising Applications00.342002
ayesian automatic relevance determination algorithms for classifying gene expression data00.342002
Kernel density estimation with adaptive varying window size140.832002
Binary analysis and optimization-based normalization of gene expression data.604.672002
Probabilistic Boolean Networks: a rule-based uncertainty model for gene regulatory networks.51642.922002
Almost all monotone Boolean functions are polynomially learnable using membership queries90.762001
Block-median pyramidal transform: analysis and denoising applications70.852001
Breakdown probabilities of recursive stack filters20.402001
Perceptual Issues in Music Pattern Recognition: Complexity of Rhythm and Key Finding181.252001
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