CNRS Grenoble INP, Grenoble Image sPeach Signal Automat Lab, F-38402 St Martin Dheres, France
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Classification of Atlantic Coastal Sand Dune Vegetation Using In Situ, UAV, and Airborne Hyperspectral Data.00.342020
Cluster Kernel For Learning Similarities Between Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix Time Series00.342020
Ensemble Learning Approaches Based on Covariance Pooling of CNN Features for High Resolution Remote Sensing Scene Classification.00.342020
Potential of High-Resolution Pléiades Imagery to Monitor Salt Marsh Evolution After Invasion.00.342019
Comparison of SIFT Encoded and Deep Learning Features for the Classification and Detection of Esca Disease in Bordeaux Vineyards.10.362019
An Ensemble Learning Approach For The Classification Of Remote Sensing Scenes Based On Covariance Pooling Of Cnn Features00.342019
Fisher Vector Coding for Covariance Matrix Descriptors Based on the Log-Euclidean and Affine Invariant Riemannian Metrics.00.342018
Image classification based on log-Euclidean Fisher Vectors for covariance matrix descriptors00.342018
Gaussian Distributions on Riemannian Symmetric Spaces: Statistical Learning With Structured Covariance Matrices.00.342018
Covariance Matrices Encoding Based on the Log-Euclidean and Affine Invariant Riemannian Metrics.10.362018
Structure Tensor Riemannian Statistical Models for CBIR and Classification of Remote Sensing Images.50.402017
Riemannian Gaussian Distributions on the Space of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices120.912017
Co-Occurrence Matrix Of Covariance Matrices: A Novel Coding Model For The Classification Of Texture Images00.342017
Spectral-spatial Rotation Forest for hyperspectral image classification.10.352017
Color Texture Image Retrieval Based on Local Extrema Features and Riemannian Distance.10.362017
Classification approach based on the product of riemannian manifolds from Gaussian parametrization space00.342017
Texture and Color-based Image Retrieval Using the Local Extrema Features and Riemannian Distance.00.342016
Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using ICA and Edge-Preserving Filter via an Ensemble Strategy.150.522016
An M-Estimator for Robust Centroid Estimation on the Manifold of Covariance Matrices.30.432016
Supervised Classification of Very High Resolution Optical Images Using Wavelet-Based Textural Features.70.472016
Riemannian Laplace Distribution on the Space of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices.50.442016
Texture image classification with Riemannian fisher vectors issued from a Laplacian model00.342016
Texture Retrieval From Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Local Extrema-Based Descriptors00.342016
An M-estimator for robust centroid estimation on the manifold of covariance matrices: Performance analysis and application to image classification.00.342016
Statistical Hypothesis Test For Maritime Pine Forest Sar Images Classification Based On The Geodesic Distance00.342015
Wavelet-Based Texture Features for the Classification of Age Classes in a Maritime Pine Forest90.572015
Texture Classification Using Rao'S Distance On The Space Of Covariance Matrices50.442015
A New Riemannian Averaged Fixed-Point Algorithm for MGGD Parameter Estimation10.362015
Classification Of Oyster Habitats By Combining Wavelet-Based Texture Features And Polarimetric Sar Descriptors00.342015
Intrinsic prior for Bayesian classification of texture images00.342014
K-Centroids-Based Supervised Classification Of Texture Images: Handling The Intra-Class Diversity00.342013
K-Centroids-Based Supervised Classification of Texture Images Using the SIRV Modeling.10.382013
Centroid-Based Texture Classification Using The Generalized Gamma Distribution40.522013
Centroid-Based Texture Classification Using The Sirv Representation40.502013
Multivariate texture retrieval using the Kullback-Leibler divergence between bivariate generalized Gamma times an Uniform distribution00.342012
Multivariate texture retrieval using the SIRV representation and the geodesic distance90.572011
Monitoring Temperate Glacier Displacement by Multi-Temporal TerraSAR-X Images and Continuous GPS Measurements161.132011
Multivariate texture retrieval using the geodesic distance between elliptically distributed random variables120.732011
Hierarchical Segmentation Of Polarimetric Sar Images Using Heterogeneous Clutter Models00.342011
Polsar Images Characterization Through Blind Sources Separation Techniques10.362010
Maximum Likelihood Texture Tracking In Highly Heterogeneous Polsar Clutter00.342010
Normalized Coherency Matrix Estimation Under the SIRV Model. Alpine Glacier Polsar Data Analysis130.942008
Combining Airborne Photographs and Spaceborne SAR Data to Monitor Temperate Glaciers: Potentials and Limits191.712007
Airborne remote sensing of vineyards for the detection of dead vine trees50.672005