Univ Minnesota Twin Cities, Dept Comp Sci & Engn, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
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Imputation Of Spatially-Resolved Transcriptomes By Graph-Regularized Tensor Completion00.342021
Machine Learning And Statistical Methods For Clustering Single-Cell Rna-Sequencing Data30.422020
Learning a Low-Rank Tensor of Pharmacogenomic Multi-relations from Biomedical Networks00.342019
Detecting Population-differentiation Copy Number Variants in Human Population Tree by Sparse Group Selection.00.342019
Path segmentation for movement trajectories with irregular sampling frequency using space-time interpolation and density-based spatial clustering.00.342019
A multitask clustering approach for single-cell RNA-seq analysis in Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa.20.372018
Dropout Prediction in Home Care Training.00.342017
Transfer Learning across Ontologies for Phenome-Genome Association Prediction.10.362017
SubPatCNV: approximate subspace pattern mining for mapping copy-number variations.10.352015
Predicting and exploring network components involved in pathogenesis in the malaria parasite via novel subnetwork alignments00.342015
Network-Based Isoform Quantification with RNA-Seq Data for Cancer Transcriptome Analysis.00.342015
Predicting Small Group Accretion in Social Networks: A topology based incremental approach10.402015
Network-Based Survival Analysis Reveals Subnetwork Signatures For Predicting Outcomes Of Ovarian Cancer Treatment231.622013
Transfer Learning across Cancers on DNA Copy Number Variation Analysis00.342013
A novel subnetwork alignment approach predicts new components of the cell cycle regulatory apparatus in Plasmodium falciparum.90.432013
Prediction of novel systems components in cell cycle regulation in malaria parasite by subnetwork alignments00.342012
Sparse Group Selection on Fused Lasso Components for Identifying Group-Specific DNA Copy Number Variations30.542012
Signed network propagation for detecting differential gene expressions and DNA copy number variations30.442012
Approximate subspace pattern mining for mapping copy-number variations00.342012
Prioritizing disease genes by bi-random walk110.612012
Global Linear Neighborhoods for Efficient Label Propagation.70.502012
Module-based subnetwork alignments reveal novel transcriptional regulators in malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.90.522012
Inferring disease and gene set associations with rank coherence in networks.70.582011
A Heterogeneous Label Propagation Algorithm for Disease Gene Discovery210.892010
Launching: university partnership for health informatics00.342010
Integrative classification and analysis of multiple arrayCGH datasets with probe alignment.40.432010
Integrative Biomarker Discovery for Breast Cancer Metastasis from Gene Expression and Protein Interaction Data Using Error-tolerant Pattern Mining30.452010
Subspace differential coexpression analysis: problem definition and a general approach.120.622010
A hypergraph-based learning algorithm for classifying gene expression and arrayCGH data with prior knowledge.331.342009
Partial profile alignment kernels for protein classification.00.342009
Learning Random-Walk Kernels for Protein Remote Homology Identification and Motif Discovery00.342009
Robust and efficient identification of biomarkers by classifying features on graphs.110.752008
Learning on Weighted Hypergraphs to Integrate Protein Interactions and Gene Expressions for Cancer Outcome Prediction90.572008
SVM-Fold: a tool for discriminative multi-class protein fold and superfamily recognition.471.422007
Protein ranking by semi-supervised network propagation.421.022006
Motif-based protein ranking by network propagation.120.742005
Fast String Kernels using Inexact Matching for Protein Sequences732.742004
Protein backbone angle prediction with machine learning approaches.141.222004
Profile-based string kernels for remote homology detection and motif extraction.984.492004
Fast Kernels for Inexact String Matching252.952003