Wroclaw Univ Environm & Life Sci, Dept Spatial Management, Ul Norwida 25-27, PL-50375 Wroclaw, Poland
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An Approach To Property Valuation Based On Market Segmentation With Crisp And Fuzzy Clustering00.342018
A Method For Merging Similar Zones To Improve Intelligent Models For Real Estate Appraisal10.362015
Evaluation Of Fuzzy System Ensemble Approach To Predict From A Data Stream30.392014
Comparison Of Ensemble Approaches: Mixture Of Experts And Adaboost For A Regression Problem20.492014
Application Of Self-Adapting Genetic Algorithms To Generate Fuzzy Systems For A Regression Problem00.342014
Evaluation Of Neural Network Ensemble Approach To Predict From A Data Stream20.382014
Investigation of incremental support vector regression applied to real estate appraisal00.342013
Investigation of Property Valuation Models Based on Decision Tree Ensembles Built over Noised Data00.342013
Investigation of mixture of experts applied to residential premises valuation20.362013
An Analysis of Change Trends by Predicting from a Data Stream Using Neural Networks.20.372013
Weighting Component Models by Predicting from Data Streams Using Ensembles of Genetic Fuzzy Systems.40.392013
Nonparametric statistical analysis for multiple comparison of machine learning regression algorithms411.172012
An analysis of change trends by predicting from a data stream using genetic fuzzy systems50.412012
Investigation of random subspace and random forest regression models using data with injected noise20.372012
An attempt to employ genetic fuzzy systems to predict from a data stream of premises transactions80.462012
Investigation of rotation forest method applied to property price prediction20.372012
Investigation of rotation forest ensemble method using genetic fuzzy systems for a regression problem10.362012
Evaluation of Random Subspace and Random Forest Regression Models Based on Genetic Fuzzy Systems.10.352012
Empirical comparison of resampling methods using genetic fuzzy systems for a regression problem140.592011
Investigation of the eTS Evolving Fuzzy Systems Applied to Real Estate Appraisal.170.662011
Investigation of random subspace and random forest methods applied to property valuation data50.432011
Investigation of evolving fuzzy systems methods FLEXFIS and eTS on predicting residential prices00.342011
Experimental comparison of resampling methods in a multi-agent system to assist with property valuation00.342011
Empirical comparison of resampling methods using genetic neural networks for a regression problem50.422011
On employing fuzzy modeling algorithms for the valuation of residential premises200.732011
Empirical comparison of bagging ensembles created using weak learners for a regression problem50.412011
Investigation of bagging ensembles of genetic neural networks and fuzzy systems for real estate appraisal190.672011
On-line valuation of residential premises with evolving fuzzy models20.362011
Comparison of data driven models for the valuation of residential premises using KEEL150.692010
Application of mixture of experts to construct real estate appraisal models30.382010
A multi-agent system to assist with property valuation using heterogeneous ensembles of fuzzy models30.392010
Nonparametric statistical analysis of machine learning algorithms for regression problems110.752010
Analysis of bagging ensembles of fuzzy models for premises valuation130.572010
Comparison of bagging, boosting and stacking ensembles applied to real estate appraisal170.692010
Evolving fuzzy systems based on the eTS learning algorithm for the valuation of residential premises10.372009
Concept of a Multi-Agent System for Assisting in Real Estate Appraisals40.412009
Comparative Analysis of Evolutionary Fuzzy Models for Premises Valuation Using KEEL30.452009
Exploration of Soft Computing Models for the Valuation of Residential Premises Using the KEEL Tool40.732009
A Multi-agent System to Assist with Real Estate Appraisals Using Bagging Ensembles120.522009
Comparative Analysis of Premises Valuation Models Using KEEL, RapidMiner, and WEKA200.852009
Comparative Analysis of Regression Tree Models for Premises Valuation Using Statistica Data Miner30.472009
Exploration of bagging ensembles comprising genetic fuzzy models to assist with real estate appraisals150.622009
Comparative Analysis of Neural Network Models for Premises Valuation Using SAS Enterprise Miner40.732009
Investigation of evolutionary optimization methods of TSK fuzzy model for real estate appraisal361.442008
Investigation of Fuzzy Models for the Valuation of Residential Premises Using the KEEL Tool30.422008
Comparison of mamdani and TSK fuzzy models for real estate appraisal80.702007
Investigation of application specific metrics to data quality assessment10.392007
Fuzzy system model to assist with real estate appraisals90.902007
Fuzzy model for the assessment of operators' work in a cadastre information system00.342006