Indian Inst Technol, Dept Elect Engn, Madras 600036, Tamil Nadu, India
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Decorrelating Feature Spaces for Learning General-Purpose Audio Representations00.342022
S-Vectors and TESA: Speaker Embeddings and a Speaker Authenticator Based on Transformer Encoder10.362022
Exploring the use of Common Label Set to Improve Speech Recognition of Low Resource Indian Languages00.342021
FMLLR Speaker Normalization With i-Vector: In Pseudo-FMLLR and Distillation Framework.20.382018
Generalized Distillation Framework For Speaker Normalization20.472017
Transfer Learning And Distillation Techniques To Improve The Acoustic Modeling Of Low Resource Languages00.342017
Joint Estimation Of Articulatory Features And Acoustic Models For Low-Resource Languages00.342017
Factors affecting the consumer preference of non-packaged non-branded rice in South India.00.342016
Modified Mean and Variance Normalization: Transforming to Utterance-Specific Estimates20.452016
Investigation of different acoustic modeling techniques for low resource Indian language data00.342015
Improved acoustic modeling for automatic dysarthric speech recognition30.432015
Speaker Adaptation Of Convolutional Neural Network Using Speaker Specific Subspace Vectors Of Sgmm10.352015
Pronunciation Adaptation For Disordered Speech Recognition Using State-Specific Vectors of Phone-Cluster Adaptive Training10.382015
Sub-band based histogram equalization in cepstral domain for speech recognition.40.422015
Improving deep neural networks using state projection vectors of subspace Gaussian mixture model as features00.342014
Cross-lingual acoustic modeling for Indian languages based on Subspace Gaussian Mixture Models10.372014
Experiments on front-end techniques and segmentation model for robust Indian Language speech recognizer00.342014
Improved cepstral mean and variance normalization using Bayesian framework100.682013
Modified Splice And Its Extension To Non-Stereo Data For Noise Robust Speech Recognition00.342013
VTLN Using Analytically Determined Linear-Transformation on Conventional MFCC60.622012
Noise and speaker compensation in the Log filter bank domain.10.352012
Robust speech recognition through selection of speaker and environment transforms00.342012
Efficient Speaker And Noise Normalization For Robust Speech Recognition30.432011
Sub-Band Level Histogram Equalization For Robust Speech Recognition60.472011
Eigen-Voice Based Anchor Modeling System For Speaker Identification Using Mllr Super-Vector40.462011
Use of VTL-wise models in feature-mapping framework to achieve performance of multiple-background models in speaker verification10.352011
Investigation of Speaker-Clustered UBMs based on Vocal Tract Lengths and MLLR matrices for Speaker Verification.00.342010
Computationally Efficient Speaker Identification for Large Population Tasks using MLLR and Sufficient Statistics.00.342010
Acoustic Class Specific Vtln-Warping Using Regression Class Trees60.472009
Characterizing Speaker Variability Using Spectral Envelopes Of Vowel Sounds00.342009
Text-Independent Speaker Identification Using Vocal Tract Length Normalization For Building Universal Background Model20.422009
A Study On The Influence Of Covariance Adaptation On Jacobian Compensation In Vocal Tract Length Normalization10.362009
Using Vtln Matrices For Rapid And Computationally-Efficient Speaker Adaptation With Robustness To First-Pass Transcription Errors10.362009
Study Of Jacobian Compensation Using Linear Transformation Of Conventional Mfcc For Vtln100.682008
A Computationally Efficient Approach To Warp Factor Estimation In Vtln Using Em Algorithm And Sufficient Statistics110.692008
Use Of Spectral Centre Of Gravity For Generating Speaker Invariant Features For Automatic Speech Recognition00.342008
Study Of Non-Linear Frequency Warping Functions For Speaker Normalization.00.342006
Vtln Warping Factor Estimation Using Accumulation Of Sufficient Statistics30.412006
Frequency warping and the Mel scale110.902002