School of Economics and Management, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, PR China
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Research on Data Consistency Detection Method Based on Interactive Matching.00.342021
A cooperative effect-based decision support model for team formation00.342020
Attribute importance measurement method based on data coordination degree10.352020
Research on the Prediction Method of Weighted Regression Based on Sample Size00.342019
Roughness measure based on description ability for attribute reduction in information system20.362019
Research on Comprehensive Quality Evaluation Method Based on Cooperative Performance00.342019
A new compound arithmetic crossover-based genetic algorithm for constrained optimisation in enterprise systems.10.412017
A new effect-based roughness measure for attribute reduction in information system.20.352017
A new attribute reduction method and its application in covering information systems.10.352017
Knowledge change rate-based attribute importance measure and its performance analysis.20.362017
Feature selection with partition differentiation entropy for large-scale data sets.110.532016
Constructing importance measure of attributes in covering decision table.20.362015
A New Approach to Multi-objective Programming Based on Satisfied Degree under Fuzzy Environment00.342015
A generalized equilibrium value-based approach for solving fuzzy programming problem00.342014
A generalized fuzzy ID3 algorithm using generalized information entropy.70.482014
A generalized equilibrium value-based approach for solving fuzzy transportation problems with triangular fuzzy numbers00.342014
Design And Application For The Model Of Semantic Query Expansion Based On Domain Ontology00.342012
A method of ascertaining fuzzy covering based on a family of fuzzy concepts00.342012
A 3PL supplier selection model based on fuzzy sets140.622012
An attribute reduction method based on core samples set.00.342012
Study on solution models and methods for the fuzzy assignment problems60.462012
Random assignment method based on genetic algorithms and its application in resource allocation80.452012
A method of determining the fuzzy measure based on knowledge factors00.342012
Stochastic Programming Model Based on Compound Quantification and Its Application in Transportation Problems.00.342011
The computing method for core attributes based on decision tree.00.342011
Intelligent bionic genetic algorithm (IB-GA) and its convergence210.842011
The research about independence of random errors in quasi-linearity regression model00.342011
The fuzzy rough programming model based on effect.00.342011
Structure of Multi-Stage Composite Genetic Algorithm (MSC-GA) and its performance180.762011
Fuzzy ID3 algorithm based on generating Hartley measure20.402011
An optimization method for public traffic line network based on entropy weight and multi-objective programming10.412010
Ordering method of interval numbers based on synthesizing effect00.342010
Stochastic transportation programming model based on effect synthesis00.342010
Study on fuzzy optimization methods based on quasi-linear fuzzy number and genetic algorithm10.382009
Study on Stochastic Programming Methods Based on Synthesizing Effect00.342009
Attribute Reduction Based on the Fuzzy Information Filter Operators00.342008
Operation For A New Kind Of Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm Based On The Transformation Of The Principle Index00.342008
Study on fuzzy optimization methods based on principal operation and inequity degree30.682008
Study on Fuzzy Programming Methods Based on Synthesizing Effect00.342008
Measures of general fuzzy rough sets on a probabilistic space220.672008
Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm Based on Principal Operation and Inequity Degree00.342007
A Kind of Composite Genetic Algorithm Based on Extreme Pre-Judgement10.392007
KÅ1 Composite Genetic Algorithm and Its Properties00.342007
Research on the convergence of fuzzy genetic algorithm based on rough classification50.752006
A kind of fuzzy genetic algorithm based on rule and its performance research10.402005
Fuzzy metric based on the distance function of plane and its application in optimal scheduling problems20.402003
The order structure of fuzzy numbers based on the level characteristics and its application to optimization problems60.592002
Platform type fuzzy number and separability of fuzzy number space10.372001
On the restudy of fuzzy complex analysis: Part II. The continuity and differentiation of fuzzy complex functions100.882001
The problem of completeness for p-mean symmetric difference metric30.572000
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