Univ Republica, Fac Ingn, Inst Computac, Montevideo, Uruguay
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Factorized solution of generalized stable Sylvester equations using many-core GPU accelerators00.342021
Understanding the Performance of Elementary NLA Kernels in FPGAs00.342020
An asynchronous computation architecture for enhancing the performance of the Weather Research and Forecasting model00.342020
Estimating the parallelism in the solution of sparse triangular linear systems00.342020
Using analysis information in the synchronization‐free GPU solution of sparse triangular systems10.382020
A GPU-aware mixed-precision solver for low-rank algebraic Riccati equations.00.342019
An efficient GPU version of the preconditioned GMRES method00.342019
Automatic Selection of Sparse Triangular Linear System Solvers on GPUs through Machine Learning Techniques00.342019
Avoiding Synchronization to Accelerate a CFD Solver in GPU00.342019
Accelerating the task/data-parallel version of ILUPACK’s BiCG in multi-CPU/GPU configurations10.352019
Power-aware computing.00.342019
A New Gpu Algorithm To Compute A Level Set-Based Analysis For The Parallel Solution Of Sparse Triangular Systems10.372018
Task Parallelism in the WRF Model Through Computation Offloading to Many-Core Devices00.342018
Extending ILUPACK with a Task-Parallel Version of BiCG for Dual-GPU Servers.00.342018
Solving Sparse Triangular Linear Systems in Modern GPUs: A Synchronization-Free Algorithm30.442018
A comparison of various schemes for solving the transport equation in many-core platforms.00.342017
Extending the Gauss-Huard method for the solution of Lyapunov matrix equations and matrix inversion.10.412017
Evaluating the NVIDIA Tegra Processor as a Low-Power Alternative for Sparse GPU Computations.00.342017
Assessing Sparse Triangular Linear System Solvers on GPUs20.432017
A VNS with Parallel Evaluation of Solutions for the Inverse Lighting Problem.00.342017
Overcoming Memory-Capacity Constraints in the Use of ILUPACK on Graphics Processors00.342017
Energy-aware solution of linear systems with many right hand sides.10.382016
Unleashing the Graphic Processing Units-Based Version of NAMD.00.342016
The Impact of Panel Factorization on the Gauss-Huard Algorithm for the Solution of Linear Systems on Modern Architectures.00.342016
Taking advantage of HPC techniques in the operational forecast of the Río de la Plata00.342016
Design of a Task-Parallel Version of ILUPACK for Graphics Processors.00.342016
Balancing Energy and Performance in Dense Linear System Solvers for Hybrid ARM+GPU platforms.00.342016
A Data-Parallel ILUPACK for Sparse General and Symmetric Indefinite Linear Systems.00.342016
Accelerating an IEEE 802.11 a/g/p Transceiver in GNU Radio.00.342016
Characterizing the efficiency of multicore and manycore processors for the solution of sparse linear systems00.342016
Tuning the Blocksize for Dense Linear Algebra Factorization Routines with the Roofline Model.00.342016
Exploiting Task and Data Parallelism in ILUPACK’s Preconditioned CG Solver on NUMA Architectures and Many-core Accelerators50.462016
Exploring The Offload Execution Model In The Intel Xeon Phi Via Matrix Inversion00.342015
Extending lyapack for the solution of band Lyapunov equations on hybrid CPU---GPU platforms10.362015
Unleashing GPU acceleration for symmetric band linear algebra kernels and model reduction00.342015
Painless Parallelism on Heterogeneous Hardware Leveraging the Functional Paradigm.00.342015
Solving Dense Linear Systems With Hybrid Arm Plus Gpu Platforms00.342015
Solving Linear Systems on the Intel Xeon-Phi Accelerator via the Gauss-Huard Algorithm.10.372015
A factored variant of the Newton iteration for the solution of algebraic Riccati equations via the matrix sign function00.342014
Leveraging Data-Parallelism in ILUPACK using Graphics Processors30.532014
Accelerating Band Linear Algebra Operations on GPUs with Application in Model Reduction40.592014
Another step to the full GPU implementation of the weather research and forecasting model20.632014
Efficient symmetric band matrix-matrix multiplication on GPUs10.372014
Trading Off Performance for Energy in Linear Algebra Operations with Applications in Control Theory00.342014
On the Impact of Optimization on the Time-Power-Energy Balance of Dense Linear Algebra Factorizations.40.502013
Accelerating the Lyapack library using GPUs70.722013
Solving Matrix Equations On Multi-Core And Many-Core Architectures20.412013
Matrix inversion on CPU-GPU platforms with applications in control theory.151.122013
Exploiting Data- and Task-Parallelism in the Solution of Riccati Equations on Multicore Servers and GPUs.00.342013
Towards a functional run-time for dense NLA domain10.372013
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