city university of hong kong
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Edge-Assisted Spectrum Sharing for Freshness-Aware Industrial Wireless Networks: A Learning-Based Approach00.342022
Joint Offloading Decision and Resource Allocation for Vehicular Fog-Edge Computing Networks: A Contract-Stackelberg Approach00.342022
Wireless/wired integrated transmission for industrial cyber-physical systems: risk-sensitive co-design of 5G and TSN protocols00.342022
Energy-Efficient Co-Design of Power Scheduling for State Estimation Over a Stochastic Delayed Network00.342022
DFR-ST: Discriminative feature representation with spatio-temporal cues for vehicle re-identification00.342022
Differentially Private Distributed Optimization via State and Direction Perturbation in Multiagent Systems10.352022
Low-Latency Federated Learning Over Wireless Channels With Differential Privacy20.352022
Age-of-Information Aware Scheduling for Edge-Assisted Industrial Wireless Networks60.412021
CANS: Communication Limited Camera Network Self-Configuration for Intelligent Industrial Surveillance00.342021
Age-of-Task Aware Sampling Rate Optimization in Edge-Assisted Industrial Network Systems00.342021
Flexible Switching Architecture with Virtual-Queue for Time-Sensitive Networking Switches00.342021
Eco-Platooning for Cooperative Automated Vehicles Under Mixed Traffic Flow10.372021
Learning-based Co-Design of Distributed Edge Sensing and Transmission for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems00.342021
QoS-Aware Mapping and Scheduling for Virtual Network Functions in Industrial 5G-TSN Network00.342021
Ssl-Sp: A Semi-Supervised-Learning-Based Stream Partitioning Method For Scale Iterated Scheduling In Time-Sensitive Networks00.342021
Distributed Entrapping Control of Multiagent Systems Using Bearing Measurements10.362021
AoI-Aware Control and Communication Co-design for Industrial IoT Systems60.462021
QoS-Aware Heterogeneous Data Transmission Mechanism for Industrial IoT Systems00.342021
Leader-Follower Formation Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots with Bearing-Only Measurements00.342020
On-Demand Transmission for Edge-Assisted Remote Control in Industrial Network Systems10.352020
Entrapping a target in an arbitrarily shaped orbit by a single robot using bearing measurements.20.372020
Hierarchical Time-frequency Synchronization Mechanism for Time Sensitive Networking.00.342020
CPCA: A Chebyshev Proxy and Consensus based Algorithm for General Distributed Optimization00.342020
No-Jump-into-Latency in China's Internet! Toward Last-Mile Hop Count Based IP Geo-localization00.342019
No-Jump-into-Latency in China's Internet! Toward Last-Mile Hop Count Based IP Geo-localization00.342019
Formation control with obstacle avoidance of second-order multi-agent systems under directed communication topology40.402019
Dynamic Topology Inference via External Observation for Multi-Robot Formation Control00.342019
CFlow: A Learning-based Compressive Flow Statistics Collection Scheme for SDNs00.342019
Distributed Formation Target Tracking In Local Coordinate Systems00.342019
Anti-Jamming Game Framework for Secure State Estimation in Power Systems00.342019
DSESP: Dual sparsity estimation subspace pursuit for the compressive sensing based close-loop ecg monitoring structure00.342019
RSSI-based Heading Control for Robust Long-Range Aerial Communication in UAV Networks00.342019
On the Tradeoff Between Data-Privacy and Utility for Data Publishing10.362018
Control Performance Aware Cooperative Transmission in Multiloop Wireless Control Systems for Industrial IoT Applications.40.372018
Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Time-Varying OFDMA Relay Systems With Hybrid Energy Supplies.10.352018
Traffic-Related Mission-Critical Transmission for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks.00.342018
Consensus-Based Distributed Optimization In Multi-Agent Systems: Convergence And Differential Privacy00.342018
Optimal Dropbox Deployment Algorithm for Data Dissemination in Vehicular Networks.40.402018
User grouping and admission control for multi-group multicast beamforming in MIMO systems.10.372018
Hierarchical Event-Triggered Online Transmission Scheduling For Wireless Control Systems00.342018
NOMA-Assisted Small-Packet Transmissions in Mission-Critical MTCs for Industrial Automation.00.342018
5G Enabled Codesign of Energy-Efficient Transmission and Estimation for Industrial IoT Systems.30.392018
Target Localization for a Distributed SIMO Sonar With an Isogradient Sound Speed Profile.00.342018
Energy-Efficient Data Collection Over AUV-Assisted Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network.40.412018
Dynamics-Aware and Beamforming-Assisted Transmission for Wireless Control Scheduling.10.352018
Energy Trading Between Microgrids Towards Individual Cost And Social Welfare Optimization00.342017
Cooperative Relaying Strategies for Smart Grid Communications: Bargaining Models and Solutions.10.362017
Process parameter estimation oriented industrial wireless sensor networks: A sequential approach00.342017
Speed-Based Location Tracking In Usage-Based Automotive Insurance10.352017
Application-Driven Virtual Network Embedding For Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks30.592017
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