Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Computat Biol Res Ctr, Koto Ku, Tokyo 1350064, Japan
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Pbsim2: A Simulator For Long-Read Sequencers With A Novel Generative Model Of Quality Scores00.342021
Finding the direct optimal RNA barrier energy and improving pathways with an arbitrary energy model.00.342020
RintC: fast and accuracy-aware decomposition of distributions of RNA secondary structures with extended logsumexp.00.342020
Estimating energy parameters for RNA secondary structure predictions using both experimental and computational data.00.342019
Capturing alternative secondary structures of RNA by decomposition of base-pairing probabilities.10.392018
Secure Division Protocol and Applications to Privacy-preserving Chi-squared Tests00.342018
Combining probabilistic alignments with read pair information improves accuracy of split-alignments.00.342018
Training alignment parameters for arbitrary sequencers with LAST-TRAIN.10.372017
Evolutionary design of multiple genes encoding the same protein.20.392017
CDSfold: an algorithm for designing a protein-coding sequence with the most stable secondary structure.10.352016
Rtools: a web server for various secondary structural analyses on single RNA sequences.00.342016
Comprehensive prediction of lncRNA-RNA interactions in human transcriptome.30.392016
Ustiloxins, fungal cyclic peptides, are ribosomally synthesized in Ustilaginoidea virens.00.342015
Guest Editorial for the 25th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW/ISCB-Asia 2014).00.342015
Tertiary Structure Prediction of RNA-RNA Complexes Using a Secondary Structure and Fragment-Based Method.00.342014
Reference-free prediction of rearrangement breakpoint reads.10.372014
PBSIM: PacBio reads simulator--toward accurate genome assembly.442.042013
Generalized Centroid Estimators In Bioinformatics70.442013
Analysis of base-pairing probabilities of RNA molecules involved in protein-RNA interactions.10.342013
DAFS: simultaneous aligning and folding of RNA sequences via dual decomposition.110.562012
Rchange: algorithms for computing energy changes of RNA secondary structures in response to base mutations.20.392012
A classification of bioinformatics algorithms from the viewpoint of maximizing expected accuracy (MEA).70.602012
Rtips: fast and accurate tools for RNA 2D structure prediction using integer programming.10.412012
RecountDB: a database of mapped and count corrected transcribed sequences.00.342012
Transformations for the compression of FASTQ quality scores of next-generation sequencing data.291.622012
Probabilistic alignments with quality scores: an application to short-read mapping toward accurate SNP/indel detection.50.632011
Improving The Accuracy Of Predicting Secondary Structure For Aligned Rna Sequences120.532011
CentroidHomfold-LAST: accurate prediction of RNA secondary structure using automatically collected homologous sequences.50.412011
A detailed investigation of accessibilities around target sites of siRNAs and miRNAs.90.552011
IPknot: fast and accurate prediction of RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots using integer programming.331.322011
A Non-parametric Bayesian Approach for Predicting RNA Secondary Structures30.382010
RactIP: fast and accurate prediction of RNA-RNA interaction using integer programming.290.972010
In search of true reads: A classification approach to next generation sequencing data selection00.342010
Conic Programming for Multitask Learning40.382010
Prediction of RNA secondary structure by maximizing pseudo-expected accuracy.170.562010
A local multiple alignment method for detection of non-coding RNA sequences.40.402009
Predictions of RNA secondary structure by combining homologous sequence information.140.722009
Centroidfold: A Web Server For Rna Secondary Structure Prediction190.812009
CentroidAlign: fast and accurate aligner for structured RNAs by maximizing expected sum-of-pairs score.180.662009
Prediction of RNA secondary structure using generalized centroid estimators.502.062009
The Functional RNA Database 3.0: databases to support mining and annotation of functional RNAs.121.582009 web servers for analyses of RNA sequences.10.362008
Rfold: an exact algorithm for computing local base pairing probabilities.130.852008
A fast structural multiple alignment method for long RNA sequences.251.032008
Directed acyclic graph kernels for structural RNA analysis.300.482008
Robust prediction of consensus secondary structures using averaged base pairing probability matrices.261.352007
Frnadb: A Platform For Mining/Annotating Functional Rna Candidates From Non-Coding Rna Sequences161.112007
Murlet: a practical multiple alignment tool for structural RNA sequences.311.082007
Stem kernels for RNA sequence analyses00.342007
Multi-Task Learning via Conic Programming331.522007
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