Univ Nottingham, Sch Comp Sci & Informat Technol, Automated Scheduling OptimisAt & Planning ASAP Re, Nottingham NG8 1BB, England
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A Hybrid Surrogate Model for Evolutionary Undersampling in Imbalanced Classification.00.342020
Adaptive multiple crossover genetic algorithm to solve Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problem00.342019
Lookahead Policy and Genetic Algorithm for Solving Nurse Rostering Problems.00.342018
An Efficient Application of Goal Programming to Tackle Multiobjective Problems with Recurring Fitness Landscapes00.342018
Using Goal Programming on Estimated Pareto Fronts to Solve Multiobjective Problems.10.362018
An evolutionary strategy with machine learning for learning to rank in information retrieval.10.362018
Large neighbourhood search with adaptive guided ejection search for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows.00.342018
Selecting Genetic Operators To Maximise Preference Satisfaction In A Workforce Scheduling And Routing Problem10.352017
ES-Rank: evolution strategy learning to rank approach.20.372017
Fuzzy C-means-based scenario bundling for stochastic service network design.00.342017
Solving a Large Real-world Bus Driver Scheduling Problem with a Multi-assignment based Heuristic Algorithm.00.342017
Decomposition techniques with mixed integer programming and heuristics for home healthcare planning.20.372017
Randomized heuristics for the Capacitated Clustering Problem.40.422017
Towards Collaborative Optimisation In A Shared-Logistics Environment For Pickup And Delivery Operations00.342017
Mixed Integer Programming with Decomposition for Workforce Scheduling and Routing with Time-dependent Activities Constraints.00.342016
Towards an Efficient API for Optimisation Problems Data.00.342016
(1+1)-Evolutionary Gradient Strategy to Evolve Global Term Weights in Information Retrieval.00.342016
Workforce scheduling and routing problems: literature survey and computational study190.972016
Term frequency with average term occurrences for textual information retrieval80.512016
An Investigation of Heuristic Decomposition to Tackle Workforce Scheduling and Routing with Time-Dependent Activities Constraints.00.342016
Extended Decomposition for Mixed Integer Programming to Solve a Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problem.10.382015
A Variable Neighbourhood Search for the Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problem.30.372015
Analysis of Objectives Relationships in Multiobjective Problems Using Trade-Off Region Maps30.382015
Mixed Integer Programming with Decomposition to Solve a Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problem.30.442015
A Variable Neighbourhood Search for Nurse Scheduling with Balanced Preference Satisfaction.10.382015
A hybrid GRASP-VNS for ship routing and scheduling problem with discretized time windows70.512015
A Greedy Heuristic for Workforce Scheduling and Routing With Time-dependent Activities Constraints.00.342015
A heuristic algorithm based on multi-assignment procedures for nurse scheduling.60.472014
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Graph Planarisation by Vertex Deletion.00.342014
A new weighting scheme and discriminative approach for information retrieval in static and dynamic document collections10.352014
A Development and Integration Framework for Optimisation-based Enterprise Solutions.00.342014
Computational Study for Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problems.20.392014
Franz Rothlauf: Design of Modern Heuristics - Springer, 2011, ISBN 978-3-540-72961-7.00.342013
Overview of Telematics-Based Prognostics and Health Management Systems for Commercial Vehicles.20.452013
Particle swarm optimization for the Steiner tree in graph and delay-constrained multicast routing problems150.692013
Evolutionary local search for solving the office space allocation problem20.402012
Nature of real-world multi-objective vehicle routing with evolutionary algorithms70.532011
Designing difficult office space allocation problem instances with mathematical programming20.432011
Designing a multi-agent approach system for distributed course timetabling.70.642011
A heuristic algorithm for nurse scheduling with balanced preference satisfaction10.352011
An adaptive evolutionary multi-objective approach based on simulated annealing.751.642011
Discovering Beneficial Cooperative Structures for the Automated Construction of Heuristics10.362010
Evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms with probabilistic representation based on pheromone trails30.442010
Improved dynamic lexicographic ordering for multi-objective optimisation20.372010
Towards The Design Of Heuristics By Means Of Self-Assembly00.342010
A 0/1 Integer Programming Model for the Office Space Allocation Problem50.532010
Heuristic approach for automated shelf space allocation30.542009
An Improved Version of Volume Dominance for Multi-Objective Optimisation40.422009
Towards improving the utilization of university teaching space120.662009
Evolutionary Non-linear Great Deluge for University Course Timetabling191.042009
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