International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India
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How Do Different Factors Impact The Inter-Language Similarity? A Case Study On Indian Languages00.342021
Efficient Neural Machine Translation For Low-Resource Languages Via Exploiting Related Languages00.342020
Checkpoint Reranking: An Approach To Select Better Hypothesis For Neural Machine Translation Systems00.342020
Linguistically Informed Hindi-English Neural Machine Translation.00.342020
MEE : An Automatic Metric for Evaluation Using Embeddings for Machine Translation00.342020
NMT based Similar Language Translation for Hindi - Marathi.00.342020
A Simple And Effective Dependency Parser For Telugu00.342020
The IIIT-H Gujarati-English Machine Translation system for WMT1900.342019
Towards Automated Semantic Role Labelling of Hindi-English Code-Mixed Tweets.00.342019
IIIT-Hyderabad at HASOC 2019 - Hate Speech Detection.00.342019
Curriculum Learning Strategies for Hindi-English Codemixed Sentiment Analysis.00.342019
Classification of Insincere Questions with ML and Neural Approaches.00.342019
No more beating about the bush : A Step towards Idiom Handling for Indian Language NLP.00.342018
Factors Influencing The Intention To Use Of Mobile Value-Added Services By Women-Owned Microenterprises In Fiji10.352018
Decision Tree Ensemble for Parts-of-Speech Tagging of Resource-poor Languages.00.342018
Building a Kannada POS Tagger Using Machine Learning and Neural Network Models.00.342018
EquGener - A Reasoning Network for Word Problem Solving by Generating Arithmetic Equations.00.342018
IIT(BHU)-IIITH at CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task on Universal Morphological Reinflection.00.342018
Arithmetic Word Problem Solver using Frame Identification.00.342018
Integrating Knowledge Encoded by Linguistic Phenomena of Indian Languages with Neural Machine Translation.10.352017
A vis-à-vis evaluation of MT paradigms for linguistically distant languages.00.342017
Three-phase training to address data sparsity in Neural Machine Translation.00.342017
Improving Transition-Based Dependency Parsing of Hindi and Urdu by Modeling Syntactically Relevant Phenomena.20.382017
Leveraging Newswire Treebanks for Parsing Conversational Data with Argument Scrambling.00.342017
Deep Neural Network based system for solving Arithmetic Word problems.20.372017
Unity in Diversity: A Unified Parsing Strategy for Major Indian Languages.00.342017
POS Tagging For Resource Poor Languages Through Feature Projection.00.342017
Linguistic approach based Transfer Learning for Sentiment Classification in Hindi.00.342017
Semisupervied Data Driven Word Sense Disambiguation for Resource-poor Languages.00.342017
Extractive text summarisation in hindi00.342017
Joining Hands: Exploiting Monolingual Treebanks for Parsing of Code-mixing Data.00.342017
Towards Building Semantic Role Labeler for Indian Languages.00.342016
Non-decreasing Sub-modular Function for Comprehensible Summarization.10.352016
Anuvaad Pranaali: A RESTful API for Machine Translation.00.342016
Conversion from Paninian Karakas to Universal Dependencies for Hindi Dependency Treebank.00.342016
A Proposition Bank of Urdu.00.342016
Using lexical and Dependency Features to Disambiguate Discourse Connectives in Hindi.00.342016
Shallow Parsing Pipeline - Hindi-English Code-Mixed Social Media Text.30.432016
A House United: Bridging the Script and Lexical Barrier between Hindi and Urdu.00.342016
Explicit Argument Identification for Discourse Parsing In Hindi: A Hybrid Pipeline.00.342016
Coreference Annotation Scheme and Relation Types for Hindi.00.342016
Analyzing English Phrases from Pāṇinian Perspective.00.342016
Significance of an Accurate Sandhi-Splitter in Shallow Parsing of Dravidian Languages10.432016
Pronominal Reference Type Identification and Event Anaphora Resolution for Hindi.00.342016
Kathaa: A Visual Programming Framework for NLP Applications.00.342016
A Finite-State Morphological Analyser for Sindhi.10.362016
Conversion from Paninian Karakas to Universal Dependencies for Hindi Dependency Treebank.00.342016
Kathaa : NLP Systems as Edge-Labeled Directed Acyclic MultiGraphs.00.342016
Oriya Morphological Analyzer Using Lttoolbox.00.342015
Paninian grammar based hindi dialogue anaphora resolution00.342015
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