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Nonsmooth Convex Optimization to Estimate the Covid-19 Reproduction Number Space-Time Evolution With Robustness Against Low Quality Data00.342022
Sketching Data Sets for Large-Scale Learning: Keeping only what you need10.362021
Training with Quantization Noise for Extreme Model Compression.00.342021
Training with Quantization Noise for Extreme Model Compression.00.342021
Blaster: An Off-Grid Method for Blind and Regularized Acoustic Echoes Retrieval00.342020
And the Bit Goes Down: Revisiting the Quantization of Neural Networks.00.342020
And the Bit Goes Down: Revisiting the Quantization of Neural Networks00.342020
Equi-normalization of Neural Networks.00.342019
Hyperspectral Image Denoising using Dictionary Learning00.342019
Concentration of the Frobenius Norm of Generalized Matrix Inverses.10.382019
Learning Tensor-Structured Dictionaries With Application To Hyperspectral Image Denoising00.342019
Differentially Private Compressive K-Means00.342019
Approximation spaces of deep neural networks.00.342019
Learning Fast Dictionaries for Sparse Representations Using Low-Rank Tensor Decompositions.00.342018
Concentration of the Frobenius norms of pseudoinverses.00.342018
Stable safe screening and structured dictionaries for faster 𝓁1 regularization.00.342018
Adaptive Wavelet Packet Modulation.00.342018
Is the 1-norm the best convex sparse regularization?00.342018
Approximate Fast Graph Fourier Transforms via Multilayer Sparse Approximations.10.352018
Instance Optimal Decoding and the Restricted Isometry Property.10.362018
Compressive Statistical Learning with Random Feature Moments.40.412017
SISSY: An efficient and automatic algorithm for the analysis of EEG sources based on structured sparsity.30.382017
A modeling and algorithmic framework for (non)social (co)sparse audio restoration.00.342017
Compressive K-means.50.412017
Beyond Moore-Penrose Part I: Generalized Inverses that Minimize Matrix Norms.00.342017
Multi-modal EEG and fMRI Source Estimation Using Sparse Constraints.00.342017
Beyond Moore-Penrose Part II: The Sparse Pseudoinverse.00.342017
Recipes for Stable Linear Embeddings From Hilbert Spaces to ℝm.00.342017
AUDASCITY: AUdio denoising by adaptive social CosparsITY.00.342017
Proceedings of the third "international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST'16).00.342016
Flexible Multi-layer Sparse Approximations of Matrices and Applications.00.342016
Physics-Driven Inverse Problems Made Tractable With Cosparse Regularization60.452016
Introduction to the Issue on Structured Matrices in Signal and Data Processing.00.342016
Power spectral density limitations of the wavelet-OFDM system.00.342016
Approximate Fast Fourier Transforms on graphs via multi-layer sparse approximations.00.342016
Tensor decomposition exploiting structural constraints for brain source imaging10.362015
Learning Co-Sparse Analysis Operators with Separable Structures.50.442015
Symmetrical EEG-FMRI imaging by sparse regularization10.372015
Sparsity and cosparsity for audio declipping: a flexible non-convex approach100.642015
FAμST: Speeding up linear transforms for tractable inverse problems00.342015
Explicit Embeddings for Nearest Neighbor Search with Mercer Kernels20.392015
Linear embeddings of low-dimensional subsets of a Hilbert space to Rm.00.342015
Dynamic Screening: Accelerating First-Order Algorithms for the Lasso and Group-Lasso90.682015
Closed-form approximations of the PAPR distribution for Multi-Carrier Modulation systems10.382014
Closed-form approximations of the peak-to-average power ratio distribution for multi-carrier modulation and their applications.20.362014
Balancing Sparsity and Rank Constraints in Quadratic Basis Pursuit.00.342014
Proceedings of the second "international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST'14).00.342014
Convex Regularizations for the Simultaneous Recording of Room Impulse Responses50.452014
Separable cosparse Analysis Operator learning30.382014
Learning computationally efficient dictionaries and their implementation as fast transforms.40.432014
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