Clairvoyance Corp, Pittsburgh, PA USA
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From Evaluating to Forecasting Performance: How to Turn Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing and Recommender Systems into Predictive Sciences (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 17442).00.342018
The Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop on Performance Modeling and Prediction.20.492018
An Information Nutritional Label for Online Documents.40.452017
Towards Performance Modeling and Performance Prediction across IR/RecSys/NLP (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 17442).00.342017
User-Generated Content in Social Media (Dagstuhl Seminar 17301).00.342017
Determining the Characteristic Vocabulary for a Specialized Dictionary using Word2vec and a Directed Crawler.00.342016
Extracting Weighted Language Lexicons from Wikipedia.20.412016
On the Place of Text Data in Lifelogs, and Text Analysis via Semantic Facets.00.342016
Transforming Wikipedia into a Search Engine for Local Experts00.342015
Semantic dispatching of multimedia news with MEWS00.342013
VOXALEADNEWS: A scalable content based video search engine00.342012
The movie mashup application MoMa: geolocalizing and finding movies20.402012
A Scalable Video Search Engine Based on Audio Content Indexing and Topic Segmentation20.382011
VOVALEAD: a scalable video search engine based on content10.412011
Mining social media to create personalized recommendations for tourist visits120.612011
Social media driven image retrieval180.952011
Voxalead: How to search for information in videos automatically enriched and indexed180.412011
Use of semantics in real life applications10.362010
Implementing a content-based public-oriented audio and video news retrieval system00.342010
Mining User Home Location and Gender from Flickr Tags331.992010
Spatiotemporal mapping of Wikipedia concepts40.532010
Image tagging and search: a gender oriented study10.372010
Workshop on Geographic Information on the Internet Workshop (GIIW)00.342009
Mining a Multilingual Geographical Gazetteer from the Web110.622009
Mining tourist information from user-supplied collections281.192009
VoxaleadNews: robust automatic segmentation of video into browsable content80.632009
Deducing trip related information from flickr381.912009
Upcoming Industrial Needs for Search00.342009
Gazetiki: automatic creation of a geographical gazetteer362.122008
Semi-automatic Building Method for a Multidimensional Affect Dictionary for a New Language70.612008
Mining the Web to Build a Complete, Large-Scale Language Model.00.342007
Conquering Language: Using NLP on a Massive Scale to Build High Dimensional Language Models from the Web70.662007
Deriving a priori co-occurrence probability estimates for object recognition from social networks and text processing00.342007
Imaging Words - Wording Image10.372006
Toward a common semantics between media and languages10.392006
Using Semantic Commonsense Resources in Image Retrieval.60.642006
Exploiting text for extracting image processing resources00.342006
Towards effective strategies for monolingual and bilingual information retrieval: Lessons learned from NTCIR-410.352005
The use of monolingual context vectors for missing translations in cross-language information retrieval00.342005
Justsystem-Clairvoyance CLIR Experiments at NTCIR-4 Workshop10.482004
Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval (Recherche d'Information et ses Applications) - RIAO 2004, 7th International Conference, University of Avignon, France, April 26-28, 2004. Proceedings675.842004
Finding ideographic representations of Japanese names written in Latin script via language identification and corpus validation241.292004
Mining the Web to Create a Language Model for Mapping between English Names and Phrases and Japanese100.682004
Coupling Niche Browsers and Affect Analysis for an Opinion Mining Application398.492004
Automatic transliteration for Japanese-to-English text retrieval271.812003
Introduction to the special issue on the web as corpus19619.692003
Text- and Speech-Triggered Information Access, 8th ELSNET Summer School, Chios Island, Greece, July 15-30, 2000, Revised Lectures70.532003
Agentized, Contextualized Filters for Information Management10.372003
Expanding lexicons by inducing paradigms and validating attested forms.10.452002
Resolving Translation Ambiguity Using Monolingual Corpora110.732002
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