Probe Calibration in Lossy Liquid Using Small Dipole Antennas for MHz-Band Specific Absorption Rate Measurements00.342020
Development Of Voxel Models Adjusted To Icrp Reference Children And Their Whole-Body Averaged Sars For Whole-Body Exposure To Electromagnetic Fields From 10 Mhz To 6 Ghz00.342019
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure.00.342019
Experimental Validations on Low-Error Estimation Models in Determining the Maximum Specific Absorption Rate of Multi-Antenna Mobile Handsets00.342019
Error Analysis of a Near-Field Reconstruction Technique Based on Plane Wave Spectrum Expansion for Power Density Assessment Above 6 GHz.00.342019
A New Measurement Technique to Determine the Maximum SAR of Multiple-Antenna Transmitters Using <tex>$K$</tex>-Order Models and Scalar E-Field Probes00.342019
A new extrapolation expression for exposure evaluation inside a human-equivalent liquid phantom in the vicinity of wireless power transfer systems00.342019
Whole-body average SAR measurement using flat phantoms for radio base station antennas and its applicability to adult and child human models00.342019
Temperature Rise for Brief Radio-Frequency Exposure Below 6 GHz.00.342018
Variability Of Specific Absorption Rate Of Human Body For Various Configurations Of Tablet Computer In Vicinity Of Abdomen00.342015
Dosimetry And Verification For 6-Ghz Whole-Body Non-Constraint Exposure Of Rats Using Reverberation Chamber00.342015
A Novel Sar-Probe Calibration Method Using A Waveguide Aperture In Tissue-Equivalent Liquid00.342014
Quantification And Verification Of Whole-Body-Average Sars In Small Animals Exposed To Electromagnetic Fields Inside Reverberation Chamber10.632014
Specific Absorption Rates And Temperature Elevations Due To Wireless Radio Terminals In Proximity To A Fetus At Gestational Ages Of 13, 18, And 26 Weeks00.342014
Accelerating three-dimensional FDTD calculations on GPU clusters for electromagnetic field simulation.00.342012
Experimental Evaluation Of Sar Around An Implanted Cardiac Pacemaker Caused By Mobile Radio Terminal10.482012
Sar-Probe Calibration System Using Reference Dipole Antenna In Tissue-Equivalent Liquid20.912012
Exposure system for a study of effects of mobile phones to human sleep and its dosimetry evaluation using numerical mobile phone00.342011
Complex permittivities of biological samples with the free space method from 18 to 110 GHz00.342011
Personalized computational models in human anatomy for electromagnetic dosimetry00.342011
A numerical analysis of temperature elevation in a rabbit ocular with localized and uniformed exposure conditions at 60 GHz00.342011
A Head-Local-Exposure System For Rats Using A Figure-8 Loop Antenna In The 2 Ghz Band00.342011
Local exposure system for rats head using a figure-8 loop antenna in 1500-MHz band.10.632011
Experimental evaluation on SAR around the implanted cardiac pacemaker by mobile phone00.342011
Evaluation Of Sar And Temperature Elevation Using Japanese Anatomical Human Models For Body-Worn Devices00.342010
Estimation Of Emi Impact By Cellular Radio On Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers In Elevator Using Emf Distributions Inside Human Body00.342010
Effect Of Heterogeneity Of Tissues On Rf Energy Absorption In The Brain For Exposure Assessment In Epidemiological Studies On Mobile Phone Use And Brain Tumors00.342008
Simultaneous Measurement Of Antenna Gain And Complex Permittivity Of Liquid In Near-Field Region Using Weighted Regression10.732008
SAR characterization inside intracranial tumors for case-control epidemiological studies on cellular phones and RF exposure00.342008
A Method Of Measuring Gain In Liquids Based On The Friis Transmission Formula In The Near-Field Region31.162007
The Measurements Of The Complex Permittivities Of Blood Samples In Quasi-Millimeter And Millimeter Wave Bands00.342007
Human Body Impedance For Contact Current Measurement In Japan10.432005
Electric-Field Distribution Estimation In A Train Carriage Due To Cellular Radios In Order To Assess The Implantable Cardiac Pacemaker Emi In Semi-Echoic Environments30.942005
Electromagnetic And Thermal Dosimetry Of A Cylindrical Waveguide-Type In Vitro Exposure Apparatus00.342005
Burst synchronization scheme for millimeter band OFDM00.342001