Univ Plymouth, Ctr Informat Secur & Network Res, Plymouth PL4 8AA, Devon, England
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Self-Configured Framework for scalable link prediction in twitter: Towards autonomous spark framework00.342022
GRAIN: Granular multi-label encrypted traffic classification using classifier chain00.342022
The rise of obfuscated Android malware and impacts on detection methods10.632022
A Survey On Video Content Rating: Taxonomy, Challenges And Open Issues00.342021
Grano-Gt: A Granular Ground Truth Collection Tool For Encrypted Browser-Based Internet Traffic00.342021
The rise of software vulnerability: Taxonomy of software vulnerabilities detection and machine learning approaches10.352021
The rise of traffic classification in IoT networks: A survey.60.482020
Retraction Note to: Input Displacement Neuro-fuzzy Control and Object Recognition by Compliant Multi-fingered Passively Adaptive Robotic Gripper00.342020
MapReduce scheduling algorithms: a review10.352020
Applications of link prediction in social networks: A review50.452020
Blending Big Data Analytics: Review on Challenges and a Recent Study.10.352020
Performance and Security Challenges Digital Rights Management (DRM) Approaches Using Fog Computing for Data Provenance: A Survey00.342020
Halal Products on Twitter: Data Extraction and Sentiment Analysis Using Stack of Deep Learning Algorithms.10.382019
Evaluation of IoT-Based Computational Intelligence Tools for DNA Sequence Analysis in Bioinformatics.00.342019
Challenges And Recommended Solutions In Multi-Source And Multi-Domain Sentiment Analysis00.342019
The rise of "blockchain": bibliometric analysis of blockchain study.00.342019
Retraction Note to: Support vector regression methodology for prediction of input displacement of adaptive compliant robotic gripper00.342019
SMSAD: a framework for spam message and spam account detection40.412019
Root Exploit Detection and Features Optimization: Mobile Device and Blockchain Based Medical Data Management.20.392018
Challenges of Internet of Things and Big Data Integration.20.402018
Bio-inspired computational paradigm for feature investigation and malware detection: interactive analytics30.362018
Cost Effective Network Flow Measurement for Software Defined Networks: A Distributed Controller Scenario.30.382018
Multi-objective scheduling of MapReduce jobs in big data processing.80.422018
Discovering optimal features using static analysis and a genetic search based method for Android malware detection.10.342018
Internet of Things: Infrastructure, Architecture, Security and Privacy.00.342018
An Overview of Audio Event Detection Methods from Feature Extraction to Classification.00.342017
Source camera identification: a distributed computing approach using Hadoop.20.362017
Cross-VM cache-based side channel attacks and proposed prevention mechanisms: A survey.10.352017
Malicious accounts: Dark of the social networks.00.342017
AndroDialysis: Analysis of Android Intent Effectiveness in Malware Detection.130.582017
The Evolution of Android Malware and Android Analysis Techniques.451.562017
The rise of "malware": Bibliometric analysis of malware study.80.442016
Service delivery models of cloud computing: security issues and open challenges.10.352016
The rise of keyloggers on smartphones: A survey and insight into motion-based tap inference attacks.20.392016
Secure and dependable software defined networks170.702016
Intrusion response systems: Foundations, design, and challenges.60.452016
The role of big data in smart city.772.662016
MapReduce: Review and open challenges.180.662016
Evaluation of machine learning classifiers for mobile malware detection.511.362016
Big data: From beginning to future.00.342016
Input Displacement Neuro-fuzzy Control and Object Recognition by Compliant Multi-fingered Passively Adaptive Robotic Gripper90.572016
Pixel value differencing steganography techniques: Analysis and open challenge40.402015
Co-FQL: Anomaly detection using cooperative fuzzy Q-learning in network.30.412015
The rise of "big data" on cloud computing: Review and open research issues.1283.862015
A review on feature selection in mobile malware detection371.032015
Man-At-The-End attacks: Analysis, taxonomy, human aspects, motivation and future directions.30.392015
The landscape of research on smartphone medical apps: Coherent taxonomy, motivations, open challenges and recommendations.20.412015
Blind source mobile device identification based on recorded call.30.382014
Cooperative game theoretic approach using fuzzy Q-learning for detecting and preventing intrusions in wireless sensor networks.441.022014
Botnet detection techniques: review, future trends, and issues.10.342014
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