Univ Castilla La Mancha, Dept Informat Syst & Technol, Ciudad Real, Spain
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Automated generation of oracled test cases with regular expressions and combinatorial techniques00.342020
Special issue on quality management for information systems00.342020
Evaluating GSD-Aware: A Serious Game for Discovering Global Software Development Challenges.00.342019
ProFit - Performing Dynamic Analysis of Software Systems.00.342019
A Reference Model-Driven Architecture Linking Business Processes And Services00.342018
EET: a device to support the measurement of software consumption.00.342018
Software Refactoring for System Modernization.00.342018
A Teaching Experience on Information Systems Auditing.00.342018
GreCo: Green code of ethics.00.342017
Test Case Generation with Regular Expressions and Combinatorial Techniques20.402017
A First Approach on Legacy System Energy Consumption Measurement10.342015
Eliciting Security Requirements for Business Processes of Legacy Systems10.362015
An integrated approach based on execution measures for the continuous improvement of business processes realized by services150.792014
Showing the Benefits of Applying a Model Driven Architecture for Developing Secure OLAP Applications.10.342014
Assessing event correlation in non-process-aware information systems70.512014
A teaching experience on software reengineering00.342013
ANDRIU. A Technique for Migrating Graphical User Interfaces to Android (S).00.342013
Software modernization by recovering Web services from legacy databases.60.432013
Improving Event Correlation for Non-process Aware Information Systems.00.342012
Database Schema Elicitation to Modernize Relational Databases.50.402012
Execution Measurement-driven Continuous Improvement of Business Processes Implemented by Services.10.362011
Process mining through dynamic analysis for modernising legacy systems.60.452011
Diagnosis of software erosion through fuzzy logic.00.342011
Continuous Improvement of Business Processes Realized by Services Based on Execution Measurement00.342011
Obtaining Thresholds for the Effectiveness of Business Process Mining20.402011
An empirical comparison of static and dynamic business process mining30.372011
On the use of patterns to recover business processes50.502010
Main Principles on the Integration of SOC and MDD Paradigms to Business Processes: A Systematic Review50.462010
Defining and transforming security rules in an MDA approach for DWs30.442010
Tool support for Service Oriented Development from Business Processes.00.342010
Application Of Service-Oriented Computing And Model-Driven Development Paradigms To Business Processes A Systematic Review30.452010
Toward Obtaining Event Logs from Legacy Code40.422010
Desarrollo de software orientado a servicios basado en procesos de negocio00.342009
Towards a Service-oriented and Model-driven Framework with Business Processes as First-class Citizens70.752009
PRECISO: a reengineering process and a tool for database modernisation through web services130.692009
Applying QVT in Order to Implement Secure Data Warehouses in SQL Server Analysis Services.70.462009
Establishing Trust Networks based on Data Quality Criteria for Selecting Data Suppliers00.342009
Model-driven testing in software product lines70.472009
Automated model-based testing using the UML testing profile and QVT170.872009
Decreasing the cost of mutation testing with second-order mutants541.512009
Construcción de Modelos Lógicos Multidimensionales Seguros para su Implementación en Herramientas OLAP Mediante MDA y QVT.00.342008
Un enfoque ADM para la Reingeniería de Bases de Datos Relacionales hacia Servicios Web00.342008
Hacia la Implementación Automática de Almacenes de Datos Seguros en Herramientas OLAP.00.342008
An Ontology for the WSRP Standard00.342008
Obtaining Secure Code In Sql Server Analysis Services By Using Mda And Qvt00.342008
A framework for model-driven pattern matching10.362007
Obtaining Use Cases and Security Use Cases from Secure Business Process through the MDA Approach10.392007
Transformaciones QVT para la obtención de Clases de Análisis a partir de un Modelo de Proceso de Negocio Seguro.00.342007
Using Model-Driven Pattern Matching to derive functionalities in Models40.482007
An MDA-based approach for database re-engineering80.552007
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