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Computational Strategies To Combat Covid-19: Useful Tools To Accelerate Sars-Cov-2 And Coronavirus Research10.362021
Bicon: Network-Constrained Biclustering Of Patients And Omics Data00.342021
Digger: Exploring The Functional Role Of Alternative Splicing In Protein Interactions00.342021
ASimulatoR: splice-aware RNA-Seq data simulation00.342021
On the limits of active module identification00.342021
On the Privacy of Federated Pipelines00.342021
GANNSTER - Graph-Augmented Neural Network Spatio-Temporal Reasoner for Traffic Forecasting.00.342020
Epigen: An Epistasis Simulation Pipeline00.342020
Community effort endorsing multiscale modelling, multiscale data science and multiscale computing for systems medicine.00.342019
Comprehensive evaluation of transcriptome-based cell-type quantification methods for immuno-oncology.00.342019
From gene panels to systems medicine00.342018
Systems Medicine - The Next Generation of Computer-assisted Precision Medicine.00.342018
On the power of epigenome-wide association studies using a disease-discordant twin design.00.342018
Parameter estimation of qualitative biological regulatory networks on high performance computing hardware.00.342018
Efficient detection of differentially methylated regions using DiMmeR.00.342017
LifeStyle-Specific-Islands (LiSSI): Integrated Bioinformatics Platform for Genomic Island Analysis.00.342017
CytoMCS: A Multiple Maximum Common Subgraph Detection Tool for Cytoscape.10.362017
Interactive Microbial Distribution Analysis Using Bioatlas10.412017
A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Maximum Common Edge Subgraph Detection in Biological Networks.20.372016
CytoGEDEVO - global alignment of biological networks with Cytoscape.50.472016
PetriScape - A plugin for discrete Petri net simulations in Cytoscape.00.342016
Jllumina - A comprehensive Java-based API for statistical Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 and MethylationEPIC data processing.00.342016
OpenLabNotes - An Electronic Laboratory Notebook Extension for OpenLabFramework.10.372015
Multiple graph edit distance: simultaneous topological alignment of multiple protein-protein interaction networks with an evolutionary algorithm80.462014
On the limits of computational functional genomics for bacterial lifestyle prediction.40.512014
KeyPathwayMiner 4.0: condition-specific pathway analysis by combining multiple omics studies and networks with Cytoscape.80.502014
Bacillusregnet: A Transcriptional Regulation Database And Analysis Platform For Bacillus Species00.342014
Classification Of Breast Cancer Subtypes By Combining Gene Expression And Dna Methylation Data00.342014
Efficient Large-scale bicluster editing.00.342014
Microarray R-based analysis of complex lysate experiments with MIRACLE.10.412014
An Integrative Clinical Database And Diagnostics Platform For Biomarker Identification And Analysis In Ion Mobility Spectra Of Human Exhaled Air00.342013
Neighborhood-Preserving mapping between trees00.342013
NABEECO: biological network alignment with bee colony optimization algorithm30.382013
Density parameter estimation for finding clusters of homologous proteins--tracing actinobacterial pathogenicity lifestyles.40.562013
Cluster Editing.00.342013
GEDEVO: An Evolutionary Graph Edit Distance Algorithm for Biological Network Alignment.110.562013
How little do we actually know? On the size of gene regulatory networks.90.712012
Efficient algorithms for extracting biological key pathways with global constraints20.412012
Online Transitivity Clustering of Biological Data with Missing Values.00.342012
Integrated Simultaneous Analysis Of Different Biomedical Data Types With Exact Weighted Bi-Cluster Editing10.362012
Coryneregnet 6.0-Updated Database Content, New Analysis Methods And Novel Features Focusing On Community Demands90.602012
Extension And Robustness Of Transitivity Clustering For Protein-Protein Interaction Network Analysis50.582011
clusterMaker: a multi-algorithm clustering plugin for Cytoscape.281.092011
Efficient Online Transcription Factor Binding Site Adjustment By Integrating Transitive Graph Projection With Moraine 2.000.342010
Altanalyze And Domaingraph: Analyzing And Visualizing Exon Expression Data161.592010
Reliable transfer of transcriptional gene regulatory networks between taxonomically related organisms.80.892009
Towards the integrated analysis, visualization and reconstruction of microbial gene regulatory networks.100.712009
IMS2 - An integrated medical software system for early lung cancer detection using ion mobility spectrometry data of human breath30.412007
Coryneregnet 2: An Integrative Bioinformatics Approach For Reconstruction And Comparison Of Transcriptional Regulatory Networks In Prokaryotes70.592006