Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, Hiroshima, 731-3194 Japan
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An Efficient Learning Algorithm For Regular Pattern Languages Using One Positive Example And A Linear Number Of Membership Queries00.342020
An Efficient Learning Algorithm for Regular Pattern Languages Using One Positive Example and a Linear Number of Membership Queries.00.342020
Using Label Information in a Genetic Programming Based Method for Acquiring Block Preserving Outerplanar Graph Patterns with Wildcards00.342019
Exact Learning Of Primitive Formal Systems Defining Labeled Ordered Tree Languages Via Queries00.342019
Acquisition of characteristic sets of block preserving outerplanar graph patterns by a two-stage evolutionary learning method for graph pattern sets.00.342018
An Efficient Pattern Matching Algorithm For Unordered Term Tree Patterns Of Bounded Dimension00.342018
Polynomial Time Learnability Of Graph Pattern Languages Defined By Cographs00.342018
Acquisition of Multiple Graph Structured Patterns by an Evolutionary Method Using Sets of TTSP Graph Patterns as Individuals00.342017
Polynomial Time Inductive Inference Of Languages Of Ordered Term Tree Patterns With Height-Constrained Variables From Positive Data00.342017
Multiple Alignments of Data Objects and Generalized Center Star Algorithm.00.342017
Learning of Primitive Formal Systems Defining Labelled Ordered Tree Languages via Queries.00.342017
Acquisition of Characteristic Block Preserving Outerplanar Graph Patterns by Genetic Programming Using Label Information00.342016
Using canonical representations of block tree patterns in acquisition of characteristic block preserving outerplanar graph patterns10.402016
An Efficient Pattern Matching Algorithm For Ordered Term Tree Patterns10.352015
Acquisition of Multiple Tree Structured Patterns by an Evolutionary Method Using Sets of Tag Tree Patterns as Individuals10.402015
Learning Of Glycan Motifs Using Genetic Programming And Various Fitness Functions30.442014
Acquisition of Characteristic Tree Patterns with VLDC's by Genetic Programming and Edit Distance30.472013
Acquisition of Characteristic TTSP Graph Patterns by Genetic Programming10.372012
Acquisition of glycan motifs using genetic programming and various fitness functions10.402012
Polynomial time inductive inference of cograph pattern languages from positive data20.372011
Learning of Elementary Formal Systems with Two Clauses Using Queries.00.342009
Learning of Elementary Formal Systems with Two Clauses Using Queries00.342009
Evolution of Multiple Tree Structured Patterns from Tree-Structured Data Using Clustering20.422008
A genetic programming approach to extraction of glycan motifs using tree structured patterns90.842007
Fuzzy Q-Learning with the modified fuzzy ART neural network20.372007
Resilience evaluation of digital watermarking methods based on orthogonal transforms10.412007
Ordered Term Tree Languages which Are Polynomial Time Inductively Inferable from Positive Data190.962006
Categorization Of Continuous Numeric Percepts By Modified Fuzzy Art With Q-Learning20.382006
State Space Segmentation for Acquisition of Agent Behavior20.402006
A Comparative Study of Parallel Reinforcement Learning Methods with a PC Cluster System20.412006
Evolution of characteristic tree structured patterns from semistructured documents40.672006
Discovery of Maximally Frequent Tag Tree Patterns with Height-Constrained Variables from Semistructured Web Documents30.372005
A polynomial time matching algorithm of ordered tree patterns having height-constrained variables40.412005
Fuzzy Q-Learning with the Modified ART Neural Network61.012005
A Student Agent in a CAI System30.452005
A theoretical analysis of alignment and edit problems for trees70.462005
Prediction of recursive real-valued functions from finite examples20.362005
Automatic wrapper generation for metasearch using ordered tree structured patterns20.392004
Comparisons of genetic algorithms for timetabling problems120.852004
Polynomial Time Inductive Inference of Ordered Tree Languages with Height-Constrained Variables from Positive Data50.482004
Discovery of Maximally Frequent Tag Tree Patterns with Contractible Variables from Semistructured Documents90.502004
Semi-Automatic Construction of Metadata from a Series of Web Documents20.402003
Learning of finite unions of tree patterns with repeated internal structured variables from queries60.542003
Extraction of tag tree patterns with contractible variables from irregular semistructured data40.492003
Finding frequent subgraphs from graph structured data with geometric information and its application to lossless compression10.372003
Efficient Learning of Ordered and Unordered Tree Patterns with Contractible Variables40.492003
Discovery of Frequent Tag Tree Patterns in Semistructured Web Documents382.292002
A polynomial time matching algorithm of structured ordered tree patterns for data mining from semistructured data70.582002
Extracting Characteristic Structures among Words in Semistructured Documents50.692002
Polynomial Time Inductive Inference of Ordered Tree Patterns with Internal Structured Variables from Positive Data171.382002
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