Dpt. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Granada. Avda. Fuentenueva, s/n. 18071 Granada, Spain
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Dynamic Load Balancing Strategy for Parallel Tumor Growth Simulations.00.342019
Parallel memetic algorithm for training recurrent neural networks for the energy efficiency problem.00.342019
A Parallel Cellular Automaton Model For Adenocarcinomas in Situ with Java - Study of One Case.00.342018
Parallel Cellular Automaton Tumor Growth Model.00.342018
Personality Determination of an Individual Through Neural Networks.00.342018
Design and implementation of communication patterns using parallel objects.00.342017
A Set of Patterns for Concurrent and Parallel Programming Teaching.00.342017
Teaching Software Transactional Memory in Concurrency Courses with Clojure and Java.00.342017
A methodological approach for checking safety-critical systems software.00.342017
Teaching concurrent and parallel programming by patterns: An interactive ICT approach.00.342017
Checking Realizability Of A Timed Business Processes Choreography00.342017
Checking Critical Software Systems: A Formal Proposal00.342016
Integration of ICT in Concurrent and Parallel Programming Lectures.20.442015
Choreography Modeling Compliance for Timed Business Models.10.362014
Choreography Conformace Checking based on Process Algebras.00.342013
Conceptual framework for business processes compositional verification60.452012
Automating the Transformation from BPMN Models to CSP+T Specifications20.372012
A Formal Compositional Verification Approach for Safety-Critical Systems Correctness - Model-Checking based Methodological Approach to Automatically Verify Safety Critical Systems Software.00.342012
Implementing A Transformation From Bpmn To Csp Plus T With Atl: Lessons Learnt00.342011
BTRANSFORMER - A Tool for BPMN to CSP+T Transformation.20.432011
Compositional Verification of Business Processes by Model-Checking00.342010
A Formalization Proposal of Timed BPMN for Compositional Verification of Business Processes30.392010
Automatic Compositional Verification of Business Processes10.372009
Towards the Correctness Verifcation of Business Processes Modelled with UML.00.342008
Compositional Model-Checking Verification of Critical Systems30.422008
An Interpretation of Behavioral Consistency of UML-RT Diagrams in Terms of CSP+T00.342007
Checking Behavioural Consistency of UML-RT Models through Trace-Based Semantics10.402007
Towards UML-RT Behavioural Consistency00.342007
A Semantic Formalization of UML-RT Models with csp+t Processes Applicable to Real-time Systems Verification20.382006
Formal Specification of Real-Time Systems by Transformation of UML-RT Design Models10.402006
CSPJade: Architectural Driven Development of Complex Embedded System Software Using a CSP Paradigm Based Generation Tool Code00.342006
Design and Use of the CPAN Branch & Bound for the Solution of the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)60.552005
Combining the Description Features of UMLRT and CSP+T Specifications Applied to a Complete Design of Real- Time Systems60.602005
An Integration Scheme for CPN and Process Algebra Applied to a Manufacturing Industry Case10.392005
Transforming SA/RT Graphical Specifications into CSP+T Formalism - Obtaining a Formal Specification from Semi-Formal SA/RT Essential Models20.432005
A Parallel Programming Methodology based on High Level Parallel Compositions (CPANs)00.342004
Systematic Design of Real-Time Systems Based on CSP+T Process Algebra00.342004
On-the-fly model checking from interval logic specifications30.422002
Verificación Automatizada Eficiente de Sistemas Concurrentes Especificando Sus Propiedades con Fórmalus de una Lógica de Intervalos00.342001
Automata Generation for On-the-fly Automatic Verification Using Formulas of an Interval Logic10.372001
A proposal to improve reusability in a language based on the occam-CSP model10.431997
Paradigms for Parallel Distributed Programming20.441996
An Object-Based Tool and Methodological Approach for Distributed Programming60.851994
Distributed active objects: a methodological proposal and tool for distributed programming with transputer systems00.341993
A Methodological Scheme and Tool for Program Transformation with Transputer Systems00.341993