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Vehicle ECEF Position Accuracy and Reliability in the Presence of DGNSS Communication Latency00.342021
Outlier Accommodation in Nonlinear State Estimation: A Risk-Averse Performance- Specified Approach00.342021
Cloud-based Low-cost Energy Monitoring System through Internet of Things10.362019
Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF) Vehicle State Estimation Performance00.342019
Outlier Accommodation By Risk-Averse Performance-Specified Linear State Estimation00.342018
Fostering Undergraduate Research through Mobile Development Course in PUIs.00.342018
Designing Creative Assessments for Online Computer Science and IT Courses.00.342018
How to Build a Student-Centered Research Culture for the Benefit of Undergraduate Students: (Abstract Only).00.342018
Securing Highly-Sensitive Information In Smart Mobile Devices Through Difficult-To-Mimic And Single-Time Usage Analytics00.342018
Super-savior: An Independent Open Platform Wearable for Generating Emergency Alarms00.342018
Effective POGIL Implementation Approaches in Computer Science Courses: (Abstract Only).00.342018
Outlier Accommodation By Risk-Averse Performance-Specified Nonlinear State Estimation: Gnss Aided Ins00.342018
Leveraging Visual Programming Language and Collaborative Learning to Broaden Participation in Computer Science.00.342018
Healthy Hankerings: Motivating Adolescents To Combat Obesity With A Mobile Application00.342018
Integrating Project-Based Learning in Mobile Development Course to Enhance Student Learning Experience.00.342018
A privacy preserving framework for RFID based healthcare systems.160.642017
Bringing Undergraduate Research Experience in Non-R1 Institutions.00.342017
A Wireless Iot System Towards Gait Detection In Stroke Patients00.342017
AnonPri: A secure anonymous private authentication protocol for RFID systems.70.432017
Can we really do it?: Conducting Significant Computer Science Research in Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs) (Abstract Only).00.342017
Chapter Two - Privacy Challenges and Goals in mHealth Systems.10.362016
Securing app distribution process of iOS exploiting the notion of authentic update00.342016
Highlights from the 1st Student Symposium on Computational Biology and Life Sciences, organised by ISCB Regional Student Group, UK.00.342015
Juggling the Jigsaw: Enabling CS1 Growing Enrollment and Diversity at Undergraduate Institutions (Abstract Only)00.342015
CS 4 Everyone: Diversifying the K-12 Pipeline for CS at College and High School Level (Abstract Only)00.342015
Seeing Beyond Visibility: A Four Way Fusion of User Authentication for Efficient Usable Security on Mobile Devices30.392014
Efficient detection of counterfeit products in large-scale RFID systems using batch authentication protocols40.442014
PriDaC: Privacy Preserving Data Collection in Sensor Enabled RFID Based Healthcare Services30.412014
A semi-automated technique for labeling and counting of apoptosing retinal cells.40.342014
PriSN: a privacy protection framework for healthcare social networking sites20.372014
Towards Improving Reliability of Computational RFID Based Smart Healthcare Monitoring Systems.00.342013
Preserving User Privacy in Pervasive Environments with a Collaborative Model10.392013
iPrevention: towards a novel real-time smartphone-based fall prevention system110.972013
PriGen: A Generic Framework to Preserve Privacy of Healthcare Data in the Cloud.10.352013
Let EcoDrive be your guide: development of a mobile tool to reduce carbon footprint and promote green transport00.342012
DRAP: a Robust Authentication protocol to ensure survivability of computational RFID networks00.342012
User privacy protection in pervasive social networking applications using PCO.20.372012
MonAC: detecting missing tags for improved accuracy in computational RFID based assisted environments00.342012
I am not a goldfish in a bowl: A privacy preserving framework for RFID based healthcare systems.30.412012
REBIVE: a reliable private data aggregation scheme for wireless sensor networks00.342011
AnonPri: An efficient anonymous private authentication protocol180.802011
Design and implementation of an open framework for ubiquitous carbon footprint calculator applications20.362011
ProQuPri: towards anonymity protection with privacy quantification for context-aware applications00.342011
An approach to open carbon footprint calculation platform design00.342011
UCFC - Ubiquitous personal Carbon Footprint Calculation Platform20.472010
Preserve Your Privacy with PCO: A Privacy Sensitive Architecture for Context Obfuscation for Pervasive E-Community Based Applications70.572010
S-search: finding RFID tags using scalable and secure search protocol40.422010
Design, analysis, and deployment of omnipresent Formal Trust Model (FTM) with trust bootstrapping for pervasive environments170.682010
Enhancing Privacy and Security of RFID System with Serverless Authentication and Search Protocols in Pervasive Environments271.032010
Enhanced Partial Dominant Pruning (EPDP) Based Broadcasting in Ad hoc Wireless Networks40.502009
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