Department of Computer Engineering; Beckman Institute and Department of; and Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering; University of Missouri-Columbia University of Illinois
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Enhance Rnnlms with Hierarchical Multi-Task Learning for ASR.00.342022
Modeling Speech Structure to Improve T-F Masks for Speech Enhancement and Recognition00.342022
Steering vector correction in MVDR beamformer for speech enhancement00.342022
Word Similarity Based Label Smoothing in Rnnlm Training for ASR00.342021
Personalizing TTS Voices for Progressive Dysarthria00.342021
Voice Conversion for Persons with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis00.342020
A Novel Method to Correct Steering Vectors in MVDR Beamformer for Noise Robust ASR00.342019
DeepDDK: A Deep Learning based Oral-Diadochokinesis Analysis Software00.342019
GLSNet: Global and Local Streams Network for 3D Point Cloud Classification00.342019
Multi-Objective Multi-Task Learning on RNNLM for Speech Recognition.00.342018
Slim Embedding Layers for Recurrent Neural Language Models.00.342018
Structured Sparse Spectral Transforms and Structural Measures for Voice Conversion.00.342018
Ensemble Acoustic Modeling for CD-DNN-HMM Using Random Forests of Phonetic Decision Trees10.362016
A Novel Static Parameter Calculation Method For Model Compensation00.342015
Integrated exemplar-based template matching and statistical modeling for continuous speech recognition.10.352014
Multilevel sampling and aggregation for discriminative training00.342014
Building an ensemble of CD-DNN-HMM acoustic model using random forests of phonetic decision trees40.402014
Building Acoustic Model Ensembles by Data Sampling With Enhanced Trainings and Features70.482013
Real and imaginary modulation spectral subtraction for speech enhancement140.712013
Boltzmann machine learning with the latent maximum entropy principle30.452012
The latent maximum entropy principle131.382012
New Methods For Template Selection And Compression In Continuous Speech Recognition40.412011
On The Effectiveness Of Statistical Modeling Based Template Matching Approach For Continuous Speech Recognition30.392011
Clustering of bootstrapped acoustic model with full covariance20.372011
Spectral subtraction on real and imaginary modulation spectra40.462011
Data sampling ensemble acoustic modelling in speaker independent speech recognition20.452010
Speech-recognition technology in health care and special-needs assistance [Life Sciences]10.372009
Semi-tied covariance matrices for acoustic models based on random forests of phonetic decision trees00.342009
Data sampling based ensemble acoustic modelling50.552009
Random Forests of Phonetic Decision Trees for Acoustic Modeling in Conversational Speech Recognition160.932008
Fast noise compensation and adaptive enhancement for speech separation10.352008
Speech Separation Algorithms For Multiple Speaker Environments20.442008
Knowledge-Based Adaptive Decision Tree State Tying for Conversational Speech Recognition20.422007
Prior knowledge guided maximum expected likelihood based model selection and adaptation for nonnative speech recognition10.362007
A fast and memory-efficient N-gram language model lookup method for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition70.602007
A novel method of language modeling for automatic captioning in TC video teleconferencing.50.482007
Fast Noise Compensation for Speech Separation in Diffuse Noise10.362006
Speedup convergence and reduce noise for enhanced speech separation and recognition50.622006
Gradient Boosting Learning Of Hidden Markov Models20.412006
An Automatic Captioning System For Telemedicine171.032006
Random Forests-Based Confidence Annotation Using Novel Features from Confusion Network90.782006
Improved Confusion Network Algorithm and Shortest Path Search from Word Lattice181.072005
Acoustic Model Training Using Greedy EM00.342005
Incremental largest margin linear regression and MAP adaptation for speech separation in telemedicine applications00.342005
Variable step size adaptive decorrelation filtering for competing speech separation20.402005
Combining Statistical Language Models via the Latent Maximum Entropy Principle120.572005
A Locally Weighted Learning Method For Online Approximation Based Control20.392005
Learning mixture models with the regularized latent maximum entropy principle.90.582004
Semantic n-gram language modeling with the latent maximum entropy principle110.782003
Exploiting order-preserving perfect hashing to speedup n-gram language model lookahead10.372003
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