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Predicting protein stability changes upon single-point mutation: a thorough comparison of the available tools on a new dataset00.342022
Dna Sequence Symmetries From Randomness: The Origin Of The Chargaff'S Second Parity Rule00.342021
Calibrating Variant-Scoring Methods For Clinical Decision Making00.342021
On The Critical Review Of Five Machine Learning-Based Algorithms For Predicting Protein Stability Changes Upon Mutation00.342021
Insight into the protein solubility driving forces with neural attention.00.342020
On the biases in predictions of protein stability changes upon variations: the INPS test case.00.342019
DDGun: an untrained method for the prediction of protein stability changes upon single and multiple point variations.00.342019
Fido-SNP: the first webserver for scoring the impact of single nucleotide variants in the dog genome.00.342019
A natural upper bound to the accuracy of predicting protein stability changes upon mutations.00.342019
Improving the prediction of cardiovascular risk with machine-learning and DNA methylation data00.342019
DeepSig: deep learning improves signal peptide detection in proteins.40.392018
Busca: An Integrative Web Server To Predict Subcellular Localization Of Proteins10.342018
ISPRED4: interaction sites PREDiction in protein structures with a refining grammar model.30.402017
PhD-SNPg: a webserver and lightweight tool for scoring single nucleotide variants.10.402017
NET-GE: a web-server for NETwork-based human gene enrichment.00.342016
INPS-MD: a web server to predict stability of protein variants from sequence and structure.40.462016
TPpred3 detects and discriminates mitochondrial and chloroplastic targeting peptides in eukaryotic proteins40.452015
AlignBucket: a tool to speed up ‘all-against-all’ protein sequence alignments optimizing length constraints10.352015
TPpred2: improving the prediction of mitochondrial targeting peptide cleavage sites by exploiting sequence motifs.10.372014
Protein Sequence Annotation by Means of Community Detection00.342013
Extended and Robust Protein Sequence Annotation over Conservative Nonhierarchical Clusters: The Case Study of the ABC Transporters00.342013
Prediction of disulfide connectivity in proteins with machine-learning methods and correlated mutations.120.472013
BCov: a method for predicting β-sheet topology using sparse inverse covariance estimation and integer programming.100.592013
The prediction of organelle-targeting peptides in eukaryotic proteins with Grammatical-Restrained Hidden Conditional Random Fields.50.532013
How to inherit statistically validated annotation within BAR+ protein clusters.130.572013
BETAWARE: a machine-learning tool to detect and predict transmembrane beta-barrel proteins in prokaryotes.120.582013
SUS-BAR: a database of pig proteins with statistically validated structural and functional annotation.10.352013
Community Detection within Clusters Helps Large Scale Protein Annotation - Preliminary Results of Modularity Maximization for the BAR+ Database.00.342013
BAR-PLUS: the Bologna Annotation Resource Plus for functional and structural annotation of protein sequences.80.742011
Aspicdb: A Database Of Annotated Transcript And Protein Variants Generated By Alternative Splicing80.702011
Improving the prediction of disulfide bonds in Eukaryotes with machine learning methods and protein subcellular localization.110.562011
Blurring contact maps of thousands of proteins: what we can learn by reconstructing 3D structure.90.522011
Disulfide Connectivity Prediction with Extreme Learning Machines.00.342011
Machine-Learning Methods to Predict Protein Interaction Sites in Folded Proteins10.352011
MemPype: a pipeline for the annotation of eukaryotic membrane proteins.00.342011
Improving the detection of transmembrane β-barrel chains with N-to-1 extreme learning machines.80.522011
Prediction of the bonding state of cysteine residues in proteins with machine-learning methods20.412010
Fast overlapping of protein contact maps by alignment of eigenvectors100.602010
Improving coiled-coil prediction with evolutionary information00.342009
Progress and challenges in predicting protein-protein interaction sites.481.732009
CCHMM_PROF: a HMM-based coiled-coil predictor with evolutionary information.60.552009
Grammatical-Restrained Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Bioinformatics applications.90.722009
On The Reconstruction Of Three-Dimensional Protein Structures From Contact Maps10.352009
A graph theoretic approach to protein structure selection00.342009
On the upper bound of the prediction accuracy of residue contacts in proteins with correlated mutations: the case study of the similarity matrices00.342009
Prediction of Protein-Protein Interacting Sites: How to Bridge Molecular Events to Large Scale Protein Interaction Networks20.372009
A New Protein Representation Based on Fragment Contacts: Towards an Improvement of Contact Maps Predictions00.342008
FT-COMAR: fault tolerant three-dimensional structure reconstruction from protein contact maps.130.982008
A three-state prediction of single point mutations on protein stability changes.611.352008
Predicting protein thermostability changes from sequence upon multiple mutations.70.592008
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