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Efficient resource provisioning for elastic Cloud services based on machine learning techniques.40.482019
A Disaggregated Cloud Architecture for Edge Computing20.392019
Orchestrating the Deployment of High Availability Services on Multi-zone and Multi-cloud Scenarios.20.362018
Implementation and Provisioning of Federated Networks in Hybrid Clouds.20.392017
Interoperable Federated Cloud Networking.10.342017
Cross-Site Virtual Network in Cloud and Fog Computing.130.512017
Distributed Late-binding Scheduling and Cooperative Data Caching.00.342017
Evaluation of alternatives for the broadcast operation in Kademlia under churn00.342016
Interoperating grid infrastructures with the GridWay metascheduler30.392015
A novel pilot job approach for improving the execution of distributed codes: application to the study of ordering in collisional transport in fusion plasmas.50.402015
GWpilot: Enabling multi-level scheduling in distributed infrastructures with GridWay and pilot jobs.90.672015
User-Guided Provisioning in Federated Clouds for Distributed Calculations.20.362015
BEACON: A Cloud Network Federation Framework.90.562015
Distributed scheduling and data sharing in late-binding overlays.30.392014
A framework for building hypercubes using MapReduce.40.382014
Evaluation of the Broadcast Operation in Kademlia40.452012
Performance improvements for the neoclassical transport calculation on Grid by means of pilot jobs.10.362012
Summary Creation for Information Discovery in Distributed Systems20.362011
On the use of clouds for grid resource provisioning250.902011
The Grid[Way] Job Template Manager, a tool for parameter sweeping20.392010
Grid Architecture from a Metascheduling Perspective50.422010
Federation of TeraGrid, EGEE and OSG infrastructures through a metascheduler70.492010
End-To-End Cache System for Grid Computing: Design and Efficiency Analysis of a High-Throughput Bioinformatic Docking Application10.362010
Performance-based scheduling strategies for HTC applications in complex federated grids100.672010
Grid porting of Bhabha scattering code through a master-worker scheme00.342009
A recursive architecture for hierarchical grid resource management201.232009
A decentralized model for scheduling independent tasks in Federated Grids411.782009
Dynamic Provision of Computing Resources from Grid Infrastructures and Cloud Providers322.142009
Dynamic Objective and Advance Scheduling in Federated Grids50.662008
Dynamic Provisioning of Virtual Clusters for Grid Computing91.612008
A Performance Model for Federated Grid Infrastructures70.662008
Adaptation of a Multi-Resolution Docking Bioinformatics Application to the Grid30.392007
A comparison between two grid scheduling philosophies: EGEE WMS and Grid Way190.962007
A modular meta-scheduling architecture for interfacing with pre-WS and WS Grid resource management services642.812007
Transparent access to grid-based compute utilities10.402007
A Grid Infrastructure for Utility Computing141.652006
Benchmarking Of A Joint Irisgrid/Egee Testbed With A Bioinformatics Application10.362006
Evaluating the reliability of computational grids from the end user's point of view230.962006
The Gridway Framework For Adaptive Scheduling And Execution On Grids703.582005
Coordinated Use of Globus Pre-WS and WS Resource Management Services with Grid Way10.392005
An evaluation methodology for computational grids30.522005
A Loosely Coupled Vision for Computational Grids30.562005
A Framework for Protein Structure Prediction on the Grid.30.542005
Computational Proteomics on the Grid30.522004
Simulation of Mars Impact Cratering on a Grid Environment00.342004
A framework for adaptive execution in grids1376.692004
Developing Grid-Aware Applications with DRMAA on Globus-Based Grids90.622004
Grid Resource Selection for Opportunistic Job Migration231.862003
Adaptive grid scheduling of a high-throughput bioinformatics application30.462003
Resource performance management on computational Grids40.552003
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